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Vernon Howard Founder
“It is wise to seek immortality for time defeats all other ambitions.”
“What you want also wants you. If you seek the celestial, the celestial also seeks you. There are no unanswered requests in the universe. If we do not like what we are receiving, we can learn to ask for something different.” |
Vernon Howard wrote and taught for many years on one vital topic: There is a way out of human suffering, and any earnest person can find it. The life-healing principles taught in his books and talks contain a variety of guides and inspirations by which you can change your life. They answer questions and banish problems which may have been burdens for years. They will supply the answers you've been looking for all your life. From now on you can make life work for you not against you.
These exciting methods can help you start life all over. Your own mind is the key which unlocks the secrets of life. Delightful feelings will arise as these powerful truths are absorbed. Let them succeed by turning every day into a new and refreshing day. True relief and happiness await you.
About Vernon Howard Vernon Howard was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts on March 16, 1918. When he was a boy his family moved to California where he lived for many years. He began writing and lecturing there on spiritual and psychological topics. He eventually moved from Los Angeles to Boulder City, NV where he lived and taught for many years. In 1979 he founded New Life Church and Literary Foundation.
From 1965 until his death in 1992 he wrote books and conducted classes which reflect a degree of skill and understanding that may ... Read more
GOOD NEWS! Here are just a few of the benefits of these principles that open the door to true happiness.
Stop Stress ... Solve Problems ... Live Above Troubles ... Handle Difficult People ... Know True Love ... End Fear
Conquer Anxiety ... Be At Ease ... Make Right Decisions ... Succeed with Others ... Give Life True Meaning
Have Happy Relations ... Heal Past Mistakes ... Know What to Say ... Stop Energy Thieves ... Dismiss Confusion
Make Life Make Sense ... Be Protected Always ... Own Your Own Life ... Feel Free ... Take Charge of Life
“What is it?
By contacting a Higher Power, a man can live an entirely new life, both in the here and now and in the there and hereafter.…
There is another way to live.…
I assure you that this is no mere opinion of mine.…
Every man and woman, without exception, senses that there is something else beyond his ordinary life. The perfect evidence that there is something far better is his enduring search for it.…
If he persists, in spite of his doubts and failures, he will find the answer. It exists.”
(From Vernon Howard’s classic book, The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power)
“Whoever is eager enough to find the secret kingdom will never fail in his quest.… To live rightly in this world we must first become aware of it. The problem is man’s false assumption that he is already aware, which leaves him no motive for investigation. Do not assume that the only existing world is that presented by the five senses and the surface mind.” These are beautiful words of encouragement from Vernon Howard.
I embarked on a serious study of these principles more than 3 years ago, but first began reading Vernon Howard’s books about 10 years ago. At first, I didn’t even know what the teachings were about though I was attracted to them.
Now my life is much simpler. There is more clarity, less problems, more efficiency, more time to accomplish things, less involvement in useless activities, far less association with lost people, more ability to organize, less debt, more peace, more ability to understand cause and effect, more spiritual perception, more relaxation, improved health, cleanliness, far less interest in watching TV or movies, improved intelligence, more compassion and understanding, etc. Now I take as much time as possible throughout the day for contemplation and practical
— Man from Virginia via email
A teacher provided these answers to an inquirer:
“What if someone wants to leave me?”
“Let him leave.”
“What if he wants to stay?”
“Let him stay.”
“But what if he is bad for me?”
“If you live from what is true and good, a bad person will not want to stay with you. Your levels have nothing in common. Be true and good yourself, then, you will not even need to think about such things.”
Right action is so natural to a true and good person he has no need to think about it.
From Inspire Yourself
Never Feel Bad
I don’t care what’s going on, wars, crimes, starvation, whatever, you must never look out at the crazy world and go into self-reference. If you do, you have drawn the zombie-like world inside yourself and you will get a false love for ....
Read the entire lesson
Website last updated 3/23/25
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