Indian Paintbrush

FREE! Secrets of Life
Daily Quote Service

     “There is no real happiness for those on the wrong side. The greatest pleasure in life is the security of the true side. You can vainly try to win over the world or you can nicely be over the world. Your task is to change your operating center from strained imagination to relaxed reality.”

Frequently Asked Questions

     Here are some frequently asked questions that we have heard over the years. The responses should help to give you a better understanding of these life-healing teachings. They can also clear up common confusions and misconceptions. Take them in with a receptive spirit and many mysteries will be dissolved in the light of higher understanding. The first ten FAQs are brand new ones. (Last updated March 1, 2025)

  • FAQs 1

    Question: Everywhere you go you’re likely to encounter someone who is stressed out. Maybe you would even put yourself in that category. News articles and reports in the media often discuss the epidemic of health woes and other problems associated with the pressure of stress. And they all come to the same conclusion: Stress is a major contributor to ill health, physically, emotionally and psychologically. What do these teachings say about dealing with stress?
    There is a genuine solution to the stress problem, but it begins with individual choice. Do you want to continue feeling tense and stressed or do you want to understand what’s really going on?
         We’ve discussed the nature of the False Self from which we presently live many times. It is the cause of every trouble we have. This imposter entity loves to feel more of itself, so it grips onto nervousness, tension and other stressful states more and more tightly to increase its “false feeling of life.” Strangely, this provides both uneasiness and a sense of excitement because it seems as though the unnatural self is being validated.
         But this emotional agitation is not real life. Catch it trying to enter the mind sometime and suddenly let it go, relax from it. Practicing this exercise consistently starts the process of freeing you from the domination of the old nature and strengthening the True Self within. Vernon once said something like, “You can relax yourself all the way to Heaven.”

    Question: I have always been attracted to what Vernon says about the True Self.
    Answer: It’s everything the false nature is not. It does not operate from negativity but from a oneness with the higher power that created you. It is the real you, not the phony that habitually and mechanically reacts from a bunch of carelessly acquired, conditioned opinions and beliefs. Vernon explained there is nothing more important to investigate and understand than that everyone has both a True Self and a False Self. Our spiritual aim is to weaken the grip of the artificial troublemaker, which attracts suffering like a magnet, and to allow the essence, the true part of us, to come to the fore. These are not just mental constructs, but realities. You can prove their existence for yourself by quietly watching everything that goes on both inside of you and outside of you.

    Question: It’s hard for me to believe I’m choosing to suffer.
    Answer: The suffering wouldn’t be there if you didn’t consent to it. It is possible to voluntarily wrench yourself away from identification with the pained nature. This will hurt because it’s all we’ve ever known. The average human being cannot live without psychological pain of some sort. It’s the way of the false nature. Stop loving the pain as a way of avoiding spiritual self-responsibility. Vernon made it very clear. We cannot have a new nature while retaining the old one. It is possible to simply view suffering as the unnecessary repetition of habitual thoughts and feelings running through the mind. Nothing is forcing you to stay there. You can stop arming yourself with mechanical anger and distress. You can go beyond the crying point and be nobody claiming nothing. If you create your own life, you’re stuck with it, stuck with the box of “me” demanding and insisting to get my own way. You have a choice. Abandon self-will and submit to the Higher Will. Let go of the thought ropes and you’ll miraculously be lifted outside of yourself.

    Question: We are called on to be courageous.
    Courage is proceeding without any courage. If I am in a nightmare — as Vernon Howard explains we are — the greatest of dragons poses no real threat as I expose it as an illusion that my mind fell for. Don’t try to be unafraid but keep going while being afraid. Vernon said to take one small area where you’re afraid to act, maybe to speak up in a certain situation, but to do it anyway. It will feel right and will encourage efforts to go against the fear more often.

    Question: Do I really have this all wrong? I’m not in control of my thoughts and emotions, but my false nature is?
    Yes this is true, but almost no one will face it. Human beings are not in command of their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, etc. If you look at the mind in operation, you’ll see how it flits from one mental scene to another, all riding under the level of consciousness. There’s no unifying force in charge there. The thought-self will never stop or even pause of its own accord. Another force must be introduced.
         Right now as you’re reading this, ponder the fact that something opposed to your essential nature is living through you. We suffer terribly from listening to the lie that says this nature is all there is. The true nature does not suffer, so why are we choosing to feel bad? Always remember that Truth never condemns us, it only just invites us to learn and to understand more.

    Question: I still feel that some of what Vernon Howard says is negative.
    Answer: The false part of us has an unseen desire to remain imprisoned by its own negativity, so it projects its own dark attitudes on to the Truth itself. From this viewpoint we can appreciate Vernon Howard's direction to not think about being happy, but rather think about being free.
         Here was a recent reminder of what we should apply to ourselves from the old Perry Mason TV show, where a frequent occurrence throughout the series is that someone offers to withhold the truth or even lie to “help” an accused friend. In one such episode Perry Mason responds: “Always tell the truth, no matter how much it may appear to be against the accused.”

    Question: In these studies, we are often encouraged to study evil. I am not sure that is important or necessary. It seems to me that we see plenty of evil on television, in movies and every day we read and hear news stories of the worst kind of destructive behaviors of people. Isn’t that enough? Shouldn’t we be focusing on good things like love and kindness?
    Answer: Good and evil must be studied equally. There must be a balance there. Spiritual work says that you cannot understand one unless you understand the other. In order to know evil, it’s one thing to see it but it’s quite another to know why and how it happens. We can look out and see all kinds of terrible things going on in the outer world, but unless we actually see how much wrongness moves our own psychic system we’ll never change. We can catch someone being hypocritical but it’s another matter entirely to catch ourselves behaving just as hypocritically. That's a real revelation! We can condemn others for being rude, arrogant, mean, dishonest, untruthful, disloyal and so on but what about ourselves? We must be extremely vigilant of what’s going on inside of us. Only by using the flashlight of honest self-examination can we expose the wrongness within us. Spiritual studies help a great deal by bringing more light into the dark places inside, which purifies them. There’s another benefit, as Vernon points out in Esoteric Encyclopedia of Eternal Knowledge, “A true man makes it a point to see what his negative parts do not want to see, which eventually banishes the negative parts. Learn to read yourself.”

    Question: Why am I so nervous?
    Answer: My grandmother called that the heebie-jeebies, the jitters. Let's see what's going on. First, we're taught “the inner determines the outer.” The cause is originally an invisible one, not its physical manifestation. We have a nervous, out-of-control mind, plagued by chaotic thinking. When the problem is seen clearly, the solution becomes obvious. The answer is to slow down, calm down. Vernon once said [now in A Treasury of Trueness], “You must come to a stop, and remain at a stop.” Putting the brakes on the impetuous mind and body is a shock. But that's always good if we use it rightly. Just be quiet. Persist with this. It allows us to take in what can't be seen with the eyes, the Invisible World. Be aware of the desire to go right back to rushing and fidgeting. The mind and body will resist; they are not accustomed to being reined in. You’ll find there’s instant relief and release in quieting down and coming back to Now.

    Question: How can I move more quickly toward real understanding in these studies?
    Answer: Our own denial and refusal to see ourselves clearly and objectively is what we need to work on. How many people will admit they harbor ill will toward another person? Will you? Do you want revenge when hurt (which is the message of nearly every other movie and drama)? Do you carry grudges? Vernon said in a talk that our self-deception is “voluntary.” Look at your reactions when your own low behavior is exposed. We do not want to see it, let alone have other people know it. That’s why our New Life classes are a safe haven to learn what we must in order to change. For while they reveal the hidden secrets of human nature and our own wrongness, they also provide the healing facts necessary to keep going forward in our quest. For example, we learn we don’t create the darkness that takes over our mind, and so we can identify the assault and develop the power of choice to refuse it.

    Question: The teaching of pure truth is so rare, it almost seems like it’s hidden.
    Answer: Though it’s called esoteric knowledge, it’s not really hidden at all. It most definitely is available, but to acquire it there must be a desire in a person to understand the real answers to life beyond the senseless and contradictory rantings of society. People are very reticent to leave the familiar and that is why the pure truth is accepted by very few. Most people prefer to remain where they are, while believing they already know all about life and that they know who they are. They go on blaming the exterior world for their difficulties instead of learning to do the right thing which is to change the inner. This is the cause of all earthly woes, including war, but most will stubbornly and persistently fight anyone who tries to disturb this fantasy life. They will never know what they could have had. We can be different. We can choose to go all the way with this.

    Question: I’ve been experiencing bouts of insomnia for a while now and have noticed in conversations that many other people are also waking up in the middle of the night and having trouble going back to sleep or they simply can’t fall asleep at all. What’s the cause of all this?
    Vernon Howard taught the lesson of Keeping it Simple. What goes on in your nighttime mind is simply an extension of what occupies that same mind all day long. Are you afraid you can’t handle a certain situation that unexpectedly comes up? Are you tormented because a friend doesn’t like you anymore? Are you worried about societal chaos? These and thousands of other thoughts and emotions force themselves on us during the day and continue their invasion to cause nightmares and to prevent restful sleep at night.
         When asked to go into an explanation of dreams and nightmares Vernon made it clear. Your mind will be straightened out if you will constantly and carefully practice impartial self-observation during the day. Vernon said you can even make an aim to be aware of what your mind is doing while you’re sleeping! And he said yes, you can know what is going on in your mind even while asleep. And since negativity cannot stand to be seen and studied, it will leave you alone and eventually go away altogether. The result will be calmer days and a good night’s sleep.

    Question: I sense I try forcing situations in a certain direction to give me a desired outcome.
    Examine what’s doing the forcing and you’ll see it’s being driven by a transitory desire of the moment. Then be honest in seeing that after the “victory” of getting what you want, you must put your shoulder to the wheel again to force yet another outcome. Society will try to convince you that this is “life.” Go against this lie by becoming aware of a tiredness and feeling of futility in this endless effort to create the result you want. We were born to have a life that flows, like a mountain stream that easily glides over every obstacle in its path as it flows toward its ocean home. Remember that the Law of Natural Living is to flow, not to force.

    Question: I’ve been working with these principles for a while now, but am still overtaken by negative feelings and moods, sometimes for an extended period. What more do I need to see?
    First, try to separate from the negative feeling, which you can do. It’s impossible to be completely overtaken by a negative state, and to be aware of it at the same time. So if we’ll choose the awareness of the pain caused by the state itself, it loses its power to harm us.
         Secondly, try to slow down your thoughts enough to see that a painful emotional state is always preceded by a negative thought. The negative thought then invites in its buddy, the negative emotional state.
          And lastly, we recently discussed at our classes in Pagosa Springs a very interesting aspect of this, where Vernon said: “Be indifferent to your feelings.” Some of us found this to be an amazing statement. Why should I consent to be at the mercy of bad feelings? One senses that if this simple instruction is followed, eventually we will see that these negative states are not us, but simply impostors stealing our energy, and our life. We can rise above them.

    Question: I don’t understand, Vernon Howard said in a talk that we have no intelligence at all?
    Vernon allowed that we might have the intelligence to cook and repair cars, but at present, we cannot live with the intelligent absence of anxiety, open or hidden. See that what you call your "intelligence" is always focused on something that is temporary and invariably has a false feeling of self-glorification in it. True intelligence is eternal, without egotism, lasting beyond the persistent ruminations of the mind. Being truly wise and perceptive, higher intelligence is able to handle the earthly and the temporary with perfect ease.

    Question: I feel like I’ve made progress but then the crisis comes, and I fall apart.
    Just know that there is a lot more self-work to be done. It is very easy to fall into a certain “comfort zone” in these studies, believing that intellectual agreement is the same as feeling and living these truths. And the human intellect can be very flippant, arrogant and deceptive. Believing we know more than we actually know is a big pitfall in this Work. There is always much more to learn, much more to understand. Vernon himself never stopped working. That’s why it’s so important to guard against “settling down” with just the intellectual knowledge. Essence must be ignited, and the spirit must enter into it.

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     “Firstly I want to express my huge appreciation of the website. I read every day after work some material from it and it feels wonderful.”

Ruben L. via e-mail


     “Vernon never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for keeping His work alive. The only thing I need to correct is my harmful thinking problem. I have rejoiced in his wisdom since 1979. Thanks again.”

Dale via e-mail


     “Thank you New Life for all your great pearls of wisdom, love and understanding. I truly appreciate them all. They come to me especially at times when I am in doubt, or I have forgotten who I really am. So grateful to you all, with love and continued grace.”

Eleanor via e-mail

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