New Life Foundation
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“There is nothing in the whole universe that represents a threat to who you really are.”
“There is no real happiness for those on the wrong side. The greatest pleasure in life is the security of the true side. You can vainly try to win over the world or you can nicely be over the world. Your task is to change your operating center from strained imagination to relaxed reality.” |
Heavenly angels really did come down for our Christmas banquet celebration in Strawberry, when three New Life ladies, Kyle, Lynne and Nancy, blended their beautiful voices in harmony. In particular, the opening songs, “Silver Bells” and “O Holy Night,” brought us deep joy, the singing later described as “exquisite, magical, divine and beyond words.” The purity of the singing was a reminder of the effort at New Life to protect the original source of Vernon Howard’s teachings, “which leads us back to our original nature.”
So much is given to us at banquets, made available for extra efforts in driving in a bit of winter weather, preparing new booklet boxes, cooking delicious meals, working and studying together. As Director Richard Wooldridge said, New Life Foundation has been protected in the nearly 30 years since Vernon has been gone, and it was well demonstrated at the banquet how we are cared for and generously offered the secrets of the ages to lift our spirits.
“Something has to shake us awake,” Richard pointed out. He was referring to the fact that yes, we are asleep, the whole world is asleep and doesn’t know it. And banquets are especially helpful to focus attention on our sleep and give us the needed jolts to become more awake and aware. The false nature was well described in many ways, called out and put on notice that it wasn’t welcome here.
We received generous helpings of truth principles from numerous talks, books, and speakers.
Here are only a few of the numerous gems that emerged from talks throughout the five-day event:
On Sunday the speakers explored a dated talk 12/27/87, MP3CD Vol. 16:25, which says to stay home and sit on the couch, which “allows a visitation from Heaven.” No longer try to make anything happen internally; allow God to come in.
Coming to this banquet gave us the opportunity to make contact with an energy much higher than our own. Thank you, gentlemen, for the strong and healthy talks. And ladies, for the delicious, healthy meals and fantastic singing and Pretties dance, as well as to those in the comedy acts, which keep getting better too. We are well paid for our participation with pleasant experiences and deeper insights. In addition to the wonderful turkey dinner itself, a delicious soup dinner served Christmas eve exemplified how extra effort materializes in a physical manifestation above the usual.
After the formal entertainment, here is where one discovers specifically how New Life is truly unique, as when Vernon Howard established it. There are ‘follow the leader’ dances in a large circle and for those who participate to the end, something magical happens. One’s state changes and feels a new spirit, as it has gradually expanded throughout the whole banquet. If you ever feel it, you will never forget it. You will want to know more. It’s your true self awakening.
The new exercise for the whole year 2022 was chosen and announced: RELEASE TENSION. A huge idea which touches every part of our day, life and being. See the What’s New page of for a fuller explanation.
New Life banquets are an ideal place to make a fresh start, to drop the past, to leave thoughts of the future behind and to experience the magic of the present cosmic moment. We were told by Vernon Howard to “live purely in the now.” As director Richard Wooldridge said, “If we are connected to the entire universe, then how can there be loss?”
Pagosa Springs, Colorado is a perfect spot to enjoy God’s country and learn how to “love the Creator, not the creation.” For Sunday’s class we climbed the “Happy Trail” to an outdoor pergola in a bright green mountain setting, a place to relax and be receptive to where we are at the moment. What is my inner state? What is around me? Wild asters and columbine, a robin singing?
Talks for the weekend were centered around the theme of “How to Smash Barriers and Speed Ahead” from Chapter 14 of The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power. A common underlying difficulty was exposed: though we study the facts, we are not seriously applying them to daily life. As Bill said Friday, “You can’t suffer unless you see yourself as a ‘victim’; but I’m a victim only because I won’t obey spiritual instructions.” We may agree with the idea to ‘Take no thought for the morrow’ [quoted by Vernon from Matthew 6], then we ignore it. Vernon says in this chapter, “We might as well turn into stones if we are not going to do this.” Bill gave a cautionary but uplifting quote: “Dark forces are able to trick you any time. Just do a little more inner work than you want and you’ll make it.”
On Saturday, Richard explained more about our resistance to following higher instructions. Doug mentioned this contradiction: “We were attracted to New Life and Vernon Howard because we were in pain, then we don’t want to give up our suffering. So I must ‘dare to risk more than I’m willing to risk.’”
Richard explained we’re not following natural laws because we’re always being tricked by the intellect. “Some of you are trying to process this with your mind. You have to feel something. Don’t think about it.” He said the situation or problem you’re experiencing is not real at all. Vernon cautions, “Do not let the gap between where you are and where you want to be discourage you…. Forget all else and walk ahead.” Our thoughts try to convince us, ‘I’m the exception; I can’t do this.’ “Vernon said you can do this; it can be done.”
On Sunday, Moe reminded us to relax, and then provided a nice review of the helpful weekend insights. He asked us to prove what we’re learning for ourselves: “Am I better off because I come here?... Nothing is omitted in this work; Vernon explained everything.” Gary said that we forget to look up where something there can help us. Encouraging persistence, Moe quoted, “Endured self-exposure is the cure,” which leads to abolishing “the painful invented self.”
That idea of exposing the false self leads naturally to the value of coming to New Life banquets:
In the comments about the banquet experience, Kyle described how the mind tries to limit us. “It says, I can only do so much, like there’s no way I can make another quiche for breakfast. But we can do more, much more, than we know.”
Lynne exposed the delusion that it is misguided and wrong to believe there should be huge numbers of people in our classes or else they’re not of any value. As a matter of fact, with regard to class size, Vernon himself said, “The fewer the truer.”
Judith explained that, though the false self will feel stunned and uncomfortable in the presence of Truth, this is a safe place to work, and Truth wants you to succeed.
Several men (Bill and Robin) described how they came across The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power or the right Vernon Howard book which appealed to them most at the particular time.
Another student said, “I never really had real fun until I came to New Life.”
Regina added, “What is unique is what one feels when somehow the slumbering True Self, the Spirit of Truth, begins to awaken. One knows he’s in the right place at last and that this is what we’ve been looking for all our lives.”
Moe reminded us to protect the candlelight. “It’s not out there or somewhere else. Stop wasting time!”
Work begins early for banquet prep, and as fabulous food is served all weekend, ladies reap the rewards of reaching higher inner states. Saturday’s feast, spread over several long tables, included barbecued beef, pork and turkey with salads and much more.
After an especially tasty and bountiful BBQ dinner with deliciously tempting and numerous desserts, we enjoyed the formal entertainment. Drifting through the entertainment were reminders of the Southwestern theme of Rocky Mountains, yodeling cattle calls and cowboy hats. Beautiful harmonious songs included “Thank God I’m a Country Boy” and “In My Colorado Home.”
The most popular skit performed was the family tree of Vincent Van Gogh (such as Winne Bay Gogh and her magician uncle Where-diddy Gogh) with Bill and Jeff. ‘Circle dancing’ throughout the afternoon provided a secret to the few who know it: when one participates in the dancing and all other activities all the way to the end of the afternoon, one’s state completely changes and he finds himself in a truly new place within!
Vernon gave us the format of the banquets for us to learn necessary lessons available in no other way, for example to learn to enjoy clean healthy fun with good jokes, pretty songs with melodies, and lively, pretty dancing of polkas and waltzes. We come face to face with vanity and embarrassment in order to break out of our frozen self-absorption in thought.
Newcomers are often puzzled at first by this and finally freed of negativities if they participate, persist, and come back in spite of the false nature’s wish to escape and hide out. We don’t even suspect how frozen we are until we begin to thaw out and our inner and outer states start to alter naturally.
New students from Montana, Virginia and Washington took part in the activities, driving alone many miles to come, because something about the teachings of Vernon Howard touched their hearts and they were compelled to know more. “Only super effort counts” and they made that effort. As one first-time visitor said, “I’ve read a lot of Vernon Howard books and seen a lot of Vernon’s videos, but it’s just not the same as being in the class.” He and many others recognized that these unique banquets provide special experiences that nourish the spirit and if allowed, will immensely deepen our understanding of these very high teachings.
Spring sprung an invigorating surprise on us at this March banquet, as snowy weather alternated with sun and bright stars. One morning students were greeted with fresh snow that sent us scurrying about for winter boots and mittens. As one southern California student said, you don’t have to come to Strawberry just at Christmas to see snow. Reminders to pay attention and to be extra alert driving and walking were appreciated.
One supreme lesson, as mentioned by director Richard Wooldridge and others as well, is that we want to “see directly,” without the interference of habitual thought. Bill pointed out, “A thinking mind cannot know all is well.”
The Irish banquet was rich with inner growth and outer good cheer. New Life banquets are truly a time and place for learning new lessons. Even though we likely have read or heard the principles before, they emerge as fresh and personal when we gather together to learn, have new encounters with others and experience more.
For example, in the kitchen and in the entertainment, surprises and yes, mistakes appeared as opportunities for seeing more. As one student reminded us, “When we fail, we learn.”
In spite of the long hours of work for some, unusual cooperation abounded everywhere, in the food prep, at the work parties preparing the new spring newsletter for mailing, and with men cleaning snow off cars and assisting ladies safely with transportation up and down the hill. With a right spirit of relaxation, we had fun while working. Two new ladies joined us from Montana and Phoenix and jumped right in enthusiastically with the dancing and the work.
The Wednesday night class began the beneficial talks of the banquet week using The Higher Teachings of Christ talk (MP3 CD “Heavenly Help Awaits You”). Bill reminded us of the enmity of thought toward spirit (“Thought doesn’t want/hates Spirit”). Eric recalled the vibrant and immediate presence of Vernon Howard, and gave us encouragement to be aware as we interact with others.
Saturday morning Richard set a high level for banquet day, and returned to the topic of the limitation of thought. As Vernon said, “You cannot do with the mind what must be done with the spirit.” The chooser must overcome dependency on the intellect in order to awaken and transcend to the higher. To receive higher impressions, we must observe how we ourselves block them. The problem, as Richard explained, is that “you can’t be without disturbance.” The mind is nothing but a tormentor, but “relaxation is your natural state.”
Spiritual perception is above the mental, Bill also explained. Vernon said, “Deep down no one is smarter than anyone else.” But the ego always wants to compare in order to keep its identity going. So, it falls for false fears, everything from the humorous “static cling,” an old advertising gimmick sold to us to cause us worry and embarrassment, to the current and constant stream of negative headlines meant to keep us off-balance. Problems keep the false self going and growing unless we refuse them. We came together for this weekend to get rid of more of that ego and not to feed it.
On Sunday we got more great reminders of our purpose and aims here on earth. For example, one step down into hell also takes you one step up into heaven. Or leading a useless life does not take eternity into consideration. And quoted from a dated talk (on MP3 CD, Vol.10, 3/7/87), “You don’t want to be free of your hatred of that person.” But as Richard once said at a banquet, “You can change your choice.”
Paul said the only problem you have is YOU. A good explanation emerged of how we suppress negative emotions until we “lose it” and then explode. The steps for the solution are to bring the negativity up to consciousness, be overwhelmed, and see I can’t do anything about it, until I collapse and finally get a glimpse of the higher way which offers me real help. As Lynne later recalled from Vernon, “God will not lead you into a dark place within only to abandon you.” He can go with us in our journey, to reach the other side of the valley of the shadow.
We were offered a clear choice, either a return to more earthly success and desires and distractions in the world, the job and more money, the family, our health and diet, or a firmer commitment to these principles and classes. It’s not an either-or choice but a question of what really comes first. (Vernon Howard, June 1985, “Put God first, last and always.”) We have been offered the keys to the kingdom. If you want to see deeper and higher, come to every class and every banquet you can. You will grow and be of good cheer.
“There’s only one way to win. It’s to replace your earthly nature with the heavenly nature, moment by moment.” — Vernon Howard. That sums up what the September New Life banquet in Strawberry, Arizona aimed for.
As we arrived in preparation for the fun, feasts and powerful talks to come, the spark which brought us to Strawberry began to grow and flourish. An inner ‘miracle’ started to happen, something which frequently occurs at New Life banquets. Something began to awaken. This happens when our essence begins to stir. It is truly the most unique and nicest experience on earth!
The banquet always starts before the actual banquet day when you make the effort to come early. You can include Wednesday night’s class in your schedule and begin rehearsals for entertainment. Friday brought more ladies into the kitchen to help prepare the food than we've had in a long while. The growing spirit of cooperation and awareness helped the tasks to run smoothly and led to some delicious meals.
The unique cooperation with others emerges when the spirit yearns to be lifted, rather than to unload burdens on others. Those who worked together could experience the growing hint of Oneness which Vernon and other true mystics taught, sensing that the egotistical, false part of us could actually be dropped with work and awareness. Before our very eyes appeared the choice: whether instructions and corrections would be taken with a light spirit, or taken with resentment, self-reference and holding a grudge. Hundreds of lessons were offered to us each day and night to nourish the healing growth.
Spiritual growth only happens when a student makes a special effort to go against life. And on banquet weekend, the more we went against ourselves and participated in the many activities, the more we experienced the miracle of a New Life.
Saturday morning, comments before the talks began reminded us to be consciously pleasant. A point was made about cheerfully following directions and how the ego will do anything it can to resist obeying what Truth instructs us to do. The earthly nature doesn’t want to be replaced and it will fight back with everything it has.
Director Richard Wooldridge began with a description and examples of the “irrational fear” in the current social, political atmosphere. He vociferously commanded, “You don't have to be afraid of anything! NOTHING!”
Saturday’s talks were based on The Power of Your Supermind, Chapter 9, which is all about solving problems.
Nothing is easier than to blame someone else, Jeff Fisher illustrated; instead we must FACE what’s wrong inside squarely. We can observe our fear about life events, look directly at it, and it will disappear out of existence.
Richard was unequivocal: “You’re the only problem you have. Your negative nature duplicates itself outwardly.” He said to ask ourselves, what is blocking answers and higher impressions from coming to me? For starters, “Stop blabbing! You just won't shut up!”
He described a specific event during the meeting in Howard Hall when some ATVs drove by the several open windows. They could be heard approaching, driving by and disappearing down the road. We can watch our thoughts do this and let them go. A deeper point was that this revelation simply came to him because he was receptive; he didn’t create it. Heightened awareness makes an unforgettable experience, as we release the mistake of clinging to thoughts. Richard concluded with Christ’s invitation, “What I have done you can do also.”
Sunday speakers used MP3 CD 17: 20, #427, talk dated 1/30/88. Dave Netherton quoted, “There is one way to transcend what’s torturing you, and it is not your way. It’s to moment by moment replace your earthly nature with the heavenly nature.” Vernon explains at length the exercise to practice being One with the Room, with the “absence and suspension of all negative thought,” specifically when you get up from your chair today.
Gary Blatchford asked us to consider, “You want your way all the time, but how is that working out for you?” He gave examples of how to mine spiritual gold when going to a supermarket or to Walmart by not being just another zombie. He gave an illustration of how an unconscious customer caused difficulties for the cashier and for those in the checkout line. Gary later added, “Shocks are friendly.” Stop fighting reality.
Paul Wolfe, describing the one right way, said there’s no room for negotiation with Truth; you have to do the work. In the thought-factory, there’s a neurotic “insane demander,” a protester. “There’s no such thing as a peaceful protester and there’s no satisfying it. When you give in to it, it just keeps demanding more.” Paul concluded with that great instruction from Vernon that we so resist: “Stay with the pain,” stop running away from it.
Speaking from the heart, Dave H. said we say we want a happy life, but do we really? “We want our torment; we don’t want the paradise offered. There’s a devil in all of us. Devils may come in here, but this is the last place Satan wants to stay.” Wrongness was put on notice that it wasn’t welcome and just naturally skedaddled.
As food prep and music for informal entertainment began, cheerful songs brought an immediate call to a light and festive atmosphere. We dined on homemade Italian fare: Parmesan chicken was out of this world, as was the lasagna, roasted veggie marinara, a Bolognese sauce, salad and garlic bread. We left a little room for scrumptious pies, cakes, and cannoli to enjoy throughout the afternoon.
Formal entertainment began with lovely songs sung acapella by Lynne and Kyle. Five-second acts and skits were witty, leaving the audience in robust laughter. In the informal dancing, if you were there you could have learned to dance like a chicken, or a bear “who went over the mountain/ to see what he could see.” Or to laugh at bachelors sharing their views on housekeeping. Or hear Karen tell the timely fable of “Chicken Little,” who cried “the sky is falling” when an acorn fell on her head, which certainly parallels current events. Or you could have heard the hauntingly beautiful “Waltz of the Hills” sung with superb harmony by Lynne and Kyle. Or be charmed by the graceful Pretties dance to “The Ash Grove,” which provided a soothing calm before the final thunderous applause for a banquet greatly enjoyed.
In the inspiring comments on Sunday, someone said, “It been pretty incredible, hasn’t it?!” Students said it was so nice to hear people laugh and see people acting normal. One said people who want to get help come here; another noted the energy builds the longer we’re here. One quoted Vernon, “There's no thrill like the thrill of finding your own soul.”
Often repeated was the phrase “We are so lucky to be here” in this harbor of safety from a dangerous world. A wish for more of this encouraging atmosphere was expressed by many, along with plans made to attend more classes and the next upcoming banquets. New Life is truly a lifeline as we escape the sinking ship of a world gone utterly mad.
Our next banquet is Thanksgiving weekend, Wednesday thru Sunday, with Thanksgiving day on Thursday, November 26, held on the New Life property, Westminster, California. $25 total for the entire day. Make an aim now to attend and make reservations at or phone. Go against the ton of resistance from your temporary earth-bound nature in order to find the heavenly nature that lasts forever.
Something beautiful happened at the New Life banquet in Pagosa Springs, CO, while we were engaging in a variety of activities throughout the weekend. Our efforts, including striving to be conscious, resulted in experiencing higher energy and spiritual gold! Here is the proof of the Vernon Howard statement, “Only super effort counts.” What the heart and spirit really want penetrated our essence.
And, yes, New Life Foundation is different! In his talk, director Richard Wooldridge began with these stunning statements: “You don’t know anything at all. You don’t understand anything at all.” That was a shock Vernon once gave him as a young, new student. And it applied to all of us because if we did have genuine spiritual understanding, we’d be free of anything and everything that now bothers us.
Using Vernon Howard’s There is a Way Out (chapters 3, 4 & 5) as a basis for all of the talks, this banquet included how to learn from the current social, political and health scares which are all trying to put us under more and more fear.
Friday evening
Moe Janosec got things off to a rip-roaring start: “What’s wrong with you, being afraid of this world? Don’t do it!” Moe quoted Vernon, “We’re here to wake the dead!” We had to laugh when he said that “some people say I don’t need a microphone.” He encouraged us, “You can know everything you need to know.”
Speaker Gary Blatchford clarified to the audience, “You’re in prison and need strong shocks to break out.” In a story he related, a friend is shaking a sleeping man to awaken him. The man can choose either to resent and resist the shaking or use it to wake up. Our classes and banquets are especially good and necessary to jolt us out of the stupor of our usual mechanical ways. We definitely benefited from this exceptional effect throughout the three days of the banquet while the spirit was energized and encouraged to come alive.
Saturday banquet day
Lessons were legion and provided welcome guides to know ourselves. Richard said firmly, “You can’t get this with your mind. It can be done but you can’t do it.” You must feel the truth, but this can only happen when you begin to voluntarily ally yourself with God’s will.
Richard explained how Truth comes in brief glimpses and quiet insights; there is no sudden transformation. In MP3 CD, Volume 34, Talk 15 Vernon said to hang on to the flash of light. Don’t be impatient; wait on God.
Paul Wolfe also emphasized giving up our habitual ways. He talked about the sentry, who is on guard to keep the riff-raff out of the mind. “When you fail utterly and can’t help yourself, that’s a right prayer…. God loves a failure,” because the student can then admit, “I need help.”
Sunday morning
The highlights Sunday morning are trekking up the scenic “Happy Trail” to the open-air elevated pergola for class on the New Life mountain property and partaking in an outdoor picnic lunch with more of the barbeque feast and desserts. Squirrels and birds accompany the talks with tweets and chatter. But as speaker Dave Netherton said, tourists who come here to “get away” can’t stand the silence. “We make our own lives difficult with our demands.” He gave an example of an acquaintance who is dating online looking for a lady — well, in particular a rich one from a warm climate! He warned us, “Don’t let the voices pull you away” from these teachings.
Jeff Fisher later added, “Silence. That’s where God is, because we’re not there.” He reminded us that “Everything is trying to keep you from waking up.” So being aware you are asleep is a good thing, like the exercise of trying to notice the mile markers when driving and realizing you missed most of them. “See the fact without feeling bad.”
Bill Brown gave an excellent summary, a précis of the weekend talks, which served as a great reminder of the many uplifting lessons given. We must come to class with complete humility, as Vernon said, even down on our knees if necessary. “My world is a battle. Relax instead of fighting.” Bill said to say this prayer, “God help me in spite of myself.”
Feasting and Entertainment
The banquet goes far beyond the classes. It was working together in the kitchen, where breakfasts with quiches, tasty fruit and snacks, and a bountiful Texas BBQ buffet were created. Tempting meals were provided throughout the weekend. Gratitude for that goes to the ladies who worked long in the hot July kitchens.
The banquet was also men busy rearranging tables and chairs and keeping everything clean, and packing and unpacking supplies. It was providing all of Vernon’s books and talks for sale at the appealing book table. It was participating in the entertainment segment, and dancing to pretty old-fashioned music.
The formal entertainment afforded even more opportunity for fun, inspiration and observation. Western songs by Lynne, Kyle and Judy gladdened us all. The three ladies performed an amazing rendition of “Lonely Yukon Stars,” combining unique harmony with an exquisite bell-like sound of yodeling in a round. Entertainment was also accented by hilarious skits and fun light-hearted parodies, like the western song “I’m an Ole Cowhand” (“Step aside, you ornery tenderfeet, let a big bad buckaroo pass”), and a joke about a dude ranch (I’ll take a saddle without a horn, not much traffic around here).
Right use of the principle to “risk rejection” in the speaking, dancing, entertaining and working was a signal to dismiss the ego and leave an empty space for higher guidance and a new life. One secret to acquiring higher energy is in going against ourselves, and participating in all the activities. The more we worked, the more our spirits soared — a cosmic law uniquely experienced at New Life events.
All throughout the weekend, great energy miraculously appeared which left no room for negativity to disturb the atmosphere. Our states were changed, confirming we are on the right path at last, something that is exceedingly rare in this wicked, lying world in which we presently live. Richard pointed out at the conclusion of the banquet that it was evident from being there that we had “Let Truth breathe life into us.”
In a talk, Vernon said, “You’re not going to find anyplace in this world like New Life where you can come and purify yourself.”
“This Work has to be the most important thing in your life.” This fact was emphatically stated by Richard Wooldridge, New Life director, and also emphasized by Lynne Wooldridge and many others at the banquet. It was underscored that we mustn’t be either lulled to sleep by the world or frightened by society’s insanity. The only solution which can rescue us from the world’s madness and from our own minds are these powerful principles and frequent, robust classes.
Many strong lessons and methods were given; talks were loaded with helpful instructions as well as encouragement for our spirits. Saturday’s class on banquet day reiterated that we must go against ourselves and against all attempts to drag us down to the very low level of this world. Richard gave a good direction to use for the weekend while working together: “Allow Truth to unveil me for the phony I am…,” then not believe in the false nature. As Vernon told us, people are “ruled by unconscious attitudes,” and a prevalent one that is frequently exhibited right now is false sympathy, which Richard said we must see as phony. And “you can’t go around hating people either…. Try to bear being healed.” An essential exercise was given to see a fear-thought when it comes up and to immediately drop it.
Bill Brown mentioned making a “cheerful effort” to get out, while at the same time we must “make it worse, worse, worse…7 times worse,” as Vernon said. In A Treasury of Trueness, #1505, Vernon says, “Make everything, every day as hard as possible on yourself.” Now where else are you going to get such direct truths to work with?! These forceful principles often illustrate that we must do the exact opposite of what everyone and everything out there tells us to do.
Another really useful guideline from Secrets for Higher Success was read from the section The Outcasts Who Came Back: “The most profitable time to apply these principles is when you feel it is the most hopeless or difficult to do so. Nothing scatters darkness so quickly as sudden surprise by light.”
Much practical information about the turbulent state of affairs in the world right now emerged over the weekend. It was emphasized how people allow themselves to be vulnerable to manufactured fears designed to drive everyone even more insane. As Vernon said in a 1985 talk, “When people are afraid, they’re easy to manipulate.” Talks 20 and 22 from Vernon Howard’s Higher World MP3 CD – Volume 10 were featured and read from when the book table specials for the weekend were announced. In these talks he makes it clear that “The aim of society is to drive you crazy, because then it can control you…. The aim of society is to cram everything down your throat.” And the higher meaning of “social distancing” was revealed years ago on that same disc when he said, “Get two people together and they argue…. STAY AWAY FROM PEOPLE!” This will help you spiritually and also improve your immune system! As did the unusually high energy generated at the banquet. Fear depletes, Truth heals.
As always, our task is to look within ourselves, at our own mental and emotional reactions. Bill said, “Your house is on fire… and you think you’re going to somehow fit this [teaching] into your already existing life.” He referred to the new Spring/Summer New Life Newsletter that quotes: “There is heaven on earth when the spirit guides the mind.”
The traditional Irish banquet dinner of tender corned beef, cabbage and mashed potatoes with all the fixins’ was the best ever. How does it keep getting better?! The informal dancing of polkas, waltzes and other light, harmonious music was also very enjoyable. Formal entertainment included many beautiful Irish songs to uplift our hearts, such as “Loch Lomond” and “The Rose of Tralee.” In the jokes and skits, Bill reminded us of some funny Burma Shave signs; Karen had a humorous list of “What I Want in a Man” as a woman changes with age; Judith read a description of the new season called “Hours of Spring,” and Doug added some new jokes to the perennial humor about forgetting things in a poem called “My Rememberer is Broke.” The funniest joke was about Democrats and Republicans, but you definitely had to be there for that one.
As Vernon continually reminded us in talk after talk, keep coming back to every class and banquet. Thank Heaven our studies here are out of this world and can provide us with unfailing comfort and protection in an increasingly wobbly and crazy world.
“The singing was the best ever,” commented someone after the 2019 banquet in Strawberry, Arizona. This Christmas banquet was unique for its grand abundance of song — Christmas carols bursting with joy and good cheer.
New Lifers had the opportunity to attend four classes in five days, which greatly increased the power of the truth to change us while working together to apply the higher principles being taught. Strawberry is a little town about 90 miles northeast of Phoenix, where a fresh snowfall made it an ideal white Christmas, adding to the atmosphere of the five-day event.
Like the strength of Truth and Vernon Howard, our true natures were heartened and strengthened by high spirits in the talks that were given. Vernon Howard’s “vocally vociferous” voice was echoed, especially in strong talks by director Richard Wooldridge and Moe Janosec.
Richard recalled to us Vernon saying, “This message is the greatest gift ever given to mankind.” In no way did anyone there miss a tree surrounded by earthly gifts at this special celebration of the higher teachings of Christ. In fact, we were reminded that “happiness is the absence of me” — meaning the absence of all of my past memories, both what I call painful and what I label as thrilling.
In the talks the day before Christmas, Moe was on fire with strong truths, explaining how “our suffering comes from defending the false self.” He quoted Vernon, who said that “I can chase out demons. Why don’t you?” To accomplish this, as Bill Brown mentioned, we must first strive to know that we’re presently wrong but can invite real rightness into our lives. And as another speaker expressed with right emotion, “We are loaded with hostility, but must understand that ‘my badness is not me.’”
In the classes, students passed on lessons given through Vernon Howard books and talks, all available at the New Life book table and website at All the materials are designed to transcend the mental level and reach a higher world that exists right now.
Former opera singer Nancy Shade dramatized her rendition of “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire” so well we could almost smell the comforting aroma of roasting nuts. She then contributed piano accompaniment and a strong, encouraging voice for all other songs and singers. Her powerful mezzo-soprano provided depth and volume, to enhance the other singers’ confidence and projection. Among others, we heard “Joy to the World” and “All Through the Night,” and joined in singing the frolicsome “Sleigh Ride.”
Everyone working on themselves took part in the entertainment in a variety of ways, in humorous short jokes, skits, songs and light poetry. The buoyant finish to the formal entertainment was a dance by the perky Parisienne Pretties.
The New Life banquet atmosphere provided the perfect “Santa’s workshop” for working to expose and give up the false personality in exchange for a completely new nature. This can happen when allowing banquet activities and circumstances to provide a place for the higher spirit to guide us.
Students worked hard to make the holiday gathering a huge success, but the secret lies in the reward of the higher energies received both while at the banquet and after returning home. (For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among you. Matthew 18:20.)
Richard left us with this precept: “I have to relax and let myself go so something else can come in.” Then he gave us this work project for the year 2020: Be consciously pleasant.
A perfect setting in Strawberry, Arizona, of fall colors with sunshine, natural breezes moving through the trees, and some light rains to cool the pine forests ushered in New Life’s September banquet. It infused us with renewed energy and enthusiasm for observing and uncovering new truths. Banquets provide a chance and a challenge to go deeper into studying who we are not and who we can be. Being up close and personal with many other students can show us much more about ourselves, exposing falseness we hadn’t yet seen and inspiring a change of nature.
Class Wednesday night centered around Talk 4 from DVD 3, about how we can “Start Life All Over.” Bill Brown described Vernon Howard’s forceful admonition to “throw back those covers, get out of that bed,” to shock the lazy self awake. One speaker illustrated our situation: he said to imagine an enemy 1. who is invisible, 2. who can put thoughts in your mind and 3. who makes you think they are your own thoughts. That describes perfectly what we’re up against. But we are also constantly reminded not to be intimidated by our wrong thoughts and that it is possible to rise above them.
“How to Live Serenely in a Violent World” was the fascinating chapter from Pathways to Perfect Living explored at the Saturday banquet morning class. New Life director Richard Wooldridge began with that firm, uncompromising fact from Vernon that “there is only a spiritual solution,” not one for finances and another for relationships or careers, etc. Both Richard and Vernon commanded, “Stop wasting your money,” which is both a practical and a spiritual instruction. Richard went on, “Your level got you into that situation.” When we see ourselves repeating our destructive behavior, we must say firmly, “This has to stop!” As Vernon often says, “Awareness of your badness is good.”
On Sunday, the metaphor of water representing Truth from DVD 31, Talk 1 was used to explain that, just as water carved the Grand Canyon, authentic truth can also wear down our stubborn rock-hard heads. Like water which drips and slowly dissolves rock, coming to every class and loving what we’re hearing is able to do what we cannot do to change our hardened natures. Vernon said you cannot expect to come to one class and hear just one thing and be magically changed. You have to go out, experience mistakes (which he eloquently enumerates) and then “Come on back! Come on back every time…no matter what happens to you!” Richard reminded us that we are never condemned, but must see and understand, then make the necessary corrections.
Reference was also made to an old favorite talk, “Conquer Stress While Sleeping,” which appears on the MP3 CD Powerful Techniques for Self-Rescue, currently on sale on the New Life website and in our latest newsletter. This talk is about how we go out each morning with a basket full of preferences and “our preference meets the fact.” So we flounder and can’t sleep at night. The first talk explains a nighttime exercise, and is also full of humor (about a man who goes to his club but fails to be awarded the Chief Racoon of the Year award. “Pity his poor wife when he gets home.”)
Entertainment followed the talks, with much good humor in skits and jokes, a poem and limericks, songs and dancing. A delicious Italian menu was served of homemade lasagna, spaghetti and rich sauces and more, followed by outstanding desserts. We were also greeted each morning before classes with hot coffee, quiches, fruits and more.
Comments from students on Sunday were offered before parting:
“This was a five-star banquet, with no 6-stars.”
We were “free from ourselves for a while,” and with that empty space were “able to learn something new.”
“The pleasant cooperation” enabled us to work together efficiently. “The work at New Life is well-organized and practical.” One person said the atmosphere provided “a calming energy,” not at all chaotic or frantic like that imposed upon us by the world.
“The final Sing-along in the entertainment of ‘Brighten the Corner Where you Are’ was the most enthusiastic of any banquet ever.”
So “come on back” home and plan to attend classes or one of our upcoming banquet get-togethers. You will receive something higher that cannot be expressed in words, but will be felt by the heart.
When you come to a New Life banquet, your old nature will be challenged and get stirred up. Here’s one example: “You’re not born with a soul,” remarked New Life Director Richard Wooldridge in his opening talk at the July banquet in Pagosa Springs, Colorado. “But you have the possibility of getting one,” he continued, passing on the cosmic principles highlighted in Vernon Howard’s teachings.
Vernon Howard designed banquets and presented these exceptional facts for the few who want to awaken. “The false self is hiding out inside and doesn’t want to be exposed,” said Richard. But at banquets it is uncovered and brought to the light, which begins to dissolve it. Before the weekend was over, there was the unmistakable experience of Something Else beginning to awaken in those present. The energy in that is what we have longed for our whole lives.
Talks for the weekend were based on Chapter 2 in A Treasury of Trueness about “How to be Truly Happy.” This is a book packed with some of Vernon Howard’s most powerful tidbits, unforgettable for their strong appeal to the higher emotional center. This banquet spoke to everyone about every inner issue and so provided answers to any and all difficulties.
We were given the project for all of banquet day to slow down and do everything consciously. A most helpful exercise was also assigned to be applied throughout the weekend activities: “Instead of going frantic, go conscious” — particularly useful in a week packed with lots of events and lots of work to do.
Friday night’s class asked students to describe their journey getting to the banquet (they came to Colorado from Arizona, California, Utah, New Mexico and North Carolina) and the obstacles they encountered. A common theme was “I was the biggest obstacle to my getting here,” though worldly events can and often do make it difficult to get where the pure Truth is taught.
Early on we were cautioned by speaker Moe Janosec not to rely on the mental: “Chuck the checklist” containing life plans and false obligations.
He encouraged us to use a right NO! toward inner and outer negativities: “Don’t be a wimp. Let your NO be forceful.”
On banquet day Richard got down to basics:
1. “Don’t tolerate negativity. Under no circumstances is it OK to be nervous and to worry.” 2. “You can’t get this by thinking about it.” 3. “The damage can be undone.” He emphasized that “It’s not our job to straighten out the world, it’s our job to straighten out ourselves.”
Paul Wolfe, Southern California Director, explained that these classes “are about making contact with a higher self. If you want to go to a higher place, you have to leave the lower.” And he repeated those five, simple, unforgettable words of Vernon: “Happiness is better than misery.”
Speaker Jeff Fisher mentioned that there is something in all of us that knows when it hears the truth. If your mind complains that you’re not getting this, he quoted, “When you really want to hear something outside of yourself, you will.” It always comes back to our own personal responsibility for going through the obstacles and increasing our receptivity.
The banquet in Pagosa Springs offers a Barbeque buffet with plentiful food and fresh, new surprises at the dessert table. Entertainment provided healthy laughter, clean jokes and skits, unusually pretty, harmonious songs and a lively polka by the Pretties dancers. Plus joining in the fun, ‘follow-the-leader’ dancing offers a challenge to the vanity and an opportunity to experience freedom of movement and spirit.
This awakening is what the heart, the developing spirit wants, though the terrible false self resists it and wants to stay asleep.
A pleasant surprise awaited us on Sunday morning where, after a breakfast of fruit, quiches, coffee and more, the final class of the banquet weekend was held in the outdoor pergola on the New Life property. Fresh mountain breezes, numerous bird calls, a stream cheerfully rippling below all helped to relax the mind and calm the spirit.
Bill Brown, New Life Arizona Director, opened his talk by quoting, “Seek insight, not happiness.” His review of inspiring comments from the weekend were timely and practical reminders of our work.
Bill pointed out that Vernon’s book title There is a Way Out reveals what a part of us knows, that we are actually IN a prison (though we can also “be in the world but not of it”). He told of an old movie called “The Dirty Dozen” that was popular because its cast were men who had committed serious crimes but had the possibility of redemption. We must rebel against our wrongness, he said, or else we get to a place where we settle down and “are willing to tolerate what evil is doing to us.”
Speaker David Netherton mentioned that Truth was present in the peaceful setting and it lit up something in every person there who had the willingness to receive it. He reiterated the principle that our thought patterns create our biggest obstacles. As Vernon said, “You’re using the mind to correct the mind, and it can never be done.”
Robin Kent recalled Vernon’s story of the outlaw who finally admitted to the Cosmic Sheriff, “Yes, I’m tired of running. There has to be something else.” After his willing admission came his pardon. Robin gave us Vernon’s assurance, “Don’t be afraid of what is going to happen to you as a result of these studies because it can only be good.”
During Sunday’s class students were asked for comments about the banquet and related these fresh discoveries:
… “You get real freedom at banquets.”
… About coming to banquet: “I had to give up part of ME to come.”
… About cleanup: “I can mop at sea level (California), but not at 7000 feet!”
… A couple of students described how, if you continue to work even when tired, if you make the effort to go against yourself and challenge the thoughts and keep moving forward, you receive bursts of energy from something higher. This always happens, especially for those who stay until the end of the festivities.
Nothing is more meaningful and sobering than reclaiming our spiritual birthright, but Vernon Howard also understood the need for social fun and entertainment in the midst of the serious work we must do on ourselves. That’s why he deliberately set up New Life banquets in a way which would bring together, in one place and at one time, all the elements needed for our spiritual growth.
Though a variety of life topics are covered at every meeting, class talks usually focus on one or two main themes. The Wednesday night class on May 8 was conducted by New Life’s Director Richard Wooldridge. He stressed that our ties to this world create tremendous obstacles and distract us from our higher aims. That afternoon, he had been listening to a powerful Vernon Howard talk (MP3 CD Vol. 27, Talk 1) and working on his own talk when all of a sudden, a cacophony of noise disturbed the atmosphere. Workers around the hotel where he was staying began using a wood chipper and trash trucks came into the area to empty the hotel’s large trash bins. He refused to let all the noise carry his attention away, making the point that we must voluntarily let go of all the world’s demands and clamor and focus our attention on what will save us. He went on to connect this voluntary letting go with having a receptivity and humility toward Truth. “Just know that with more submission to truthful principles, the more you will get! God wants you to be strong, not with egotism, but with inner strength.” He also gave an exercise for the entire banquet weekend which resonated with many students: “Don’t let an hour go by during your day without remembering something higher.”
The Friday evening, Saturday morning and Sunday morning classes also centered around themes meant to free us from the tyranny of the false nature. In his talk, New Life’s Southern California Director, Paul Wolfe, made the comment that the way society operates, “the deck is stacked against you, but the deck has no power!” What a relief to know that there is ‘Something Else’ that can rescue any sincere student from life’s battleground. Another speaker made an interesting observation about present-day music. Though music can provide emotional inspiration, a recent study found that today’s popular music is much more negative than in past decades. It is filled with more angst and animosity, sadness, disgust and much less joy. When listening to this music, the emotional responses generated are more waves of anger and enmity, depression and despair. And that’s why the music you’ll hear at a New Life banquet is light, lively, fun, and sometimes inspirational, the opposite of what’s being offered out there these days.
In his talk, Brad Langenberg provided an excellent example of the right yearning for this ‘Something Else’ in a story he told. Where he is presently working, there is a large hill, a place that rises above the rest of the landscape. The spiritual connection is that human beings have something within them that is drawn to points far above flat ground, places that afford a more expansive and extensive view. The urge is in us to understand the lower, but we must be receptive to the necessity of moving up the mountain to be given the bigger picture.
There is invaluable information provided at banquets and here are some other great points made by speakers and students alike:
The Saturday class was followed by a wonderful meal offering a variety of fresh salads, delicious homemade macaroni and cheese and abundant desserts. Everyone was then treated to entertainment put on by New Life students including melodic songs, dancing and funny jokes. During one 5-second act, a student forgot his punchline and his reaction was even funnier than the joke!
On Sunday, following the end of the classes and banquet festivities, everyone felt grateful for what had been offered to them. Remembering the themes of dropping the resistance to what can save us and of not letting an hour go by without trying to reach the higher, students were inspired to work with and to value these teachings even more.
“The one reason you’re here on this earth is to wake up,” said the Director of New Life Richard Wooldridge, “not to make money or be a star or a counselor for others on how to live their lives.”
The banquets always inspire us to refocus on the essential, and not waste our lives on distractions and obsessions that take us away from our true purpose. We realize how we’ve gone astray with our worries and worldly concerns and learn to correct our course.
Vernon Howard’s words in A Treasury of Trueness, Chapter 3, and on an MP3 CD talk were used to supplement the powerful principles, stories and metaphors employed by speakers to explain problems and solutions, lower and higher choices. Richard discussed the “slavery of approval” and quoted that we must “stop caring what other people think of us. Only care what God thinks of you.” He added that "Truth is trying to shake us out of our sleep and give us something. Everything on this earth is designed to take something away from you.”
On Sunday, using the talk on Volume 22, Talk 4 from the Vernon Howard’s Higher World MP3 CD series, speakers discussed the critical topic of making decisions. Jeff F. described how sitting and facing the inner self “makes you feel like you’re dying,” for the false self is being seen through. “Thoughts tell you to go do something to make yourself more comfortable,” which is why we mustn’t listen to our self-talk. Gary B. quoted that “any attempt to make yourself feel good will fail.... To trust God you must have no confidence in yourself anymore.”
Comments about the banquet included students revealing how they became aware of pretense in themselves, and saw the wish to interrupt other people who were talking but stayed out of it [“SOOIB = stay out of it, birdbrain”]. One person said, “The banquet actually lifted me to another level. My body, my mind, my spirit felt light, safe, like all was well. Everything that happened gave a feeling of confidence that I was in the right place, and it brought encouragement to work harder than ever on leaving the past behind.”
It was also exposed by another student how darkness will always lie to try to keep us away from coming to the powerful banquet events. We must always be vigilant for that attack, be alert and firmly say, NO, you’re not fooling me this time!
We dined on the traditional St. Patrick’s Day feast of corned beef and cabbage and so much more. Everyone agreed that the corned beef was unrivaled in flavor.
In the formal entertainment, the emcee Dave N., an Irish lad himself, was decked out with a tall, bright green top hat with four-leaf clovers (hardly elf-like) to introduce the acts. Ireland was celebrated in many favorite songs, dances and a poem. To begin the entertainment, Lynne sang one of the most beautiful renditions ever of “Danny Boy” (one of Vernon’s favorites). When Lynne and AZ Judy performed a simple, graceful dance and also sang “I’m Looking Over a Four-Leaf Clover” it was a great example of how “only super-effort counts.” A sing-along of “Galway Bay” was led by Lynne and Judy, accompanied on the Howard Hall piano by Regina. A special highlight of the acts was to hear Bill B. remind us of many humorous quips that Vernon sprinkled throughout his talks with his heart-warming comedy. For example, he said, “My girlfriend looked good ‘til I found out she haunted houses for a living.” We laughed and danced and had plenty of energy left over to complete getting thousands of copies of the new Spring/Summer Newsletter ready for mailing at the final, relaxing work party on Saturday evening.
It was mentioned that one of Vernon's final messages was "all is well." Doug said, "If we stay with the light of Truth, all will be well." That is what our heart wants above all else, and not what this awful, empty world has to offer. The intense higher energy we receive at banquets, found nowhere else, is proof we are on the right path at last.
If you love the wisdom of Vernon Howard, join us at a banquet soon. Everyone is welcome at our banquets held in various locations throughout the year.
“Right now everything is perfect,” Bill Brown quoted Vernon Howard in his opening remarks at the New Life Christmas Day class in Strawberry, Arizona. As astonishing as that may sound, he went on to say that “nature is designed so that everything must evolve.” Bill was clarifying what these higher teachings of Christ, as given by Vernon Howard, are all about. At New Life Foundation we are offered the truth necessary to develop, so that our lower nature can be transformed into a higher self. That means we are not yet complete the way we are.
Director of New Life Richard Wooldridge mentioned that people are asleep to higher messages coming down from heaven but that “the great ruler of the universe never gives up on us.” “God wants to use us as vessels for Truth” and we must yield and allow this to happen.
On the morning of Christmas Eve day, Paul Wolfe as moderator asked students to speak about what they’re grateful for today. He illuminated the meaning of Vernon’s paradoxical statement to “Be of good cheer. Behind those dark clouds are more dark clouds.” We must go through the dark to reach the light and we cannot skip steps. Moe Janosec gave a range of examples of how self-awareness should come before self- gratification, like insisting that a mail order arrive quickly or giving in to the temptation to make that sarcastic remark. Both Richard and Moe emphasized the weight, the heaviness and the limitation of thought. We must refuse to be burdened by ourselves, by others, or by our habit of causing trouble for other people. Richard said we are burdening ourselves with stupid ideas; that we should not think but must welcome insight.
In Sunday's class during Christmas week, Richard endeavored to help people see the mistake they are making by putting moneymaking ahead of Truth. He stressed that the following attitude is very deep-seated in us: “First, I will make a lot of money and then I will have time to pursue Truth.” No! This is the wrong order. While we do have to make a living, he strongly reiterated that we must “Put Truth above everything.” He encouraged us to trust Truth, Reality, to take care of us and to not waste our lives producing an ever- expanding bank account. He added a simple, yet powerful fact, “You can change your mind.”
Talks by speakers on Christmas Day were based on Vernon Howard’s talk “Let the Bus Take you Home” [available on DVD Vol. 26:1 or Blu-Ray 9:5]. It contains the year-long exercise we’ll use for 2019: “Stop loving complaint!” Complaints, as the talk says, are an enormously popular activity amongst humans, but are very unpopular to study. We were told to stop pretending everything is all right. To stay on the bus in part means you do not let anyone or anything take you away from this teaching and from higher Truth. “Stay on the divine bus and don’t get off, being distracted by this world.”
Bill’s example of a lesson in complaint was the woman who wrote New Life to reproach us for the tiny font size of the Secrets of Life quotes. As it turns out, you see what your own computer system generates in the emails, illustrating the principle that you see what you are.
We celebrated five days of the Christmas season with talks and fabulous meals every day, along with many kinds of activities where we could work with others in the work. By doing work, inner and outer, we gather more understanding about ourselves and we uncover our faults, including fear, that stand in the way of our spiritual development. And as always, we had fun entertainment performed and enjoyed by the students on Christmas afternoon. Our punster Bill got the biggest laugh with his clear, well-executed joke about bumper stickers: “Ban pre-shredded cheese. Make American grate again!”
Along with pretty Christmas music, the traditional dancing and entertainment, this was indeed a sane and beneficial way to spend Christmas. Besides the healthy, clean atmosphere, the work parties also provided great fun and pleasant relaxation, much of it working with Vernon’s wonderful books in preparation for the year-end inventory. Our work combines with pleasure when we use it for inner growth and gratitude.
And the best Christmas present of all was that we were waking up to higher energy and finer vibrations, coming down from somewhere higher in the universe. “Where two or three or more are gathered in my name, there am I among you.”
We learned from these classes and talks that there can be no real or lasting happiness as long as we are separated from God. We must honestly admit we're lost and stop acting as if we already know how to get home. When we persist, more insight comes. Echoing Vernon, Paul reminded us that “God is on the side of every sincere effort that you make toward Him.”
“I so appreciate your many hours of effort for the work. I love the website and updates. I contribute my great joy for this life and beyond to the Truth that Vernon so aptly put forth for us in his many delightful books and recordings. What would I do without them? Thank you for continuing to spread the word.”
— E-mail from lady
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