Grand Tetons Fall

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Daily Quote Service

     “What you want also wants you. If you seek the celestial, the celestial also seeks you. There are no unanswered requests in the universe. If we do not like what we are receiving, we can learn to ask for something different.”

Monthly Lessons Archive 2024

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         A plimsoll line runs all around the lower part of the hull of the ship, very clear to see. And it has a very practical purpose, which is simply so that captain and crew do not overload the ship.
         You already know what I'm talking about, don’t you? Useless, dangerous cargoes. Your life was meant to carry only that which is necessary for a safe voyage and one that arrives where it’s supposed to arrive. 
         Sometimes we’re so worried about the esteem in which we are held by other people, that we’ll settle for just sort of a neutral tie contest. We don’t win a lot, but at least we didn’t lose much, right? You figure it’s a pretty rough world with everybody looking at you so harshly. You figure “maybe the best I can do, and maybe all I can hope for is just kind of just hope they like me a little bit, and don’t risk that.”
       Now, you can’t get rid of anything. Set yourself aside, as best you understand what that means, and then you listen. Now what do you listen to? What you see is that you’re in a battle that you’ve never won, and you suspect you can’t win. Let that suspicion grow.
         You have got to stop the stupid enjoyment of thinking that you’re inferior. You’re not inferior, you’re not superior, you are absolutely nothing at all. Who you really are cannot be thought about, explained, cannot be supported, cannot be defended. Who you really are does not need that.
         The only necessary object in the universe is God and everything that goes with God. I'm not necessary, you’re not necessary, nobody is necessary. God knows this. He wants you to know it so that you can live in God’s kingdom instead of in the junky boat that you’ve chosen that isn’t going anywhere.
         See the weight of self-concern. Think about that now. Since, and because you don’t have an individual independentt personal self, there is nothing to worry about ever again.

         Choose to investigate why nothing has changed inside yourself. Exercise: When someone corrects you, watch your angry remark, “Who are you to tell me what to do?” And see that it feels awful. Instead do this: Be very quiet and poised and pleasant, and say, ” Thank you so much. Could you please tell me more?”
         You are putting out the fires of Hades. The old ways, wrong reactions, keep you tied to this earth.
         It’s not really you who fights back. There is something else besides my mind that can react to a situation. I am the created not the creator. Choose to let the Higher Spirit respond correctly when you are scolded or corrected.
         You can choose the right response. Let yourself collapse, disappear. There is something else besides you. Do not go along with yourself when you are corrected or insulted. You can’t do it for yourself – presently a mechanically reacting machine. There is something else that will respond for you. You handle a problem by not being there. God’s quietness is the right response.
         Be extremely watchful of how you react to what you see. There the false “I” goes again, wanting to defend myself, my precious little darling inside myself. IT IS NOT YOU!

  • October 2024
  • November 2024
  • December 2024

     “I’m sending my heartfelt gratitude for your eternal work. Mr. Howard’s teachings are a shining light which spreads warmth for the well-being and regeneration of all. They leave no question unanswered and are therefore harmonious …. how wonderful this is!”

— E-mail from lady in Switzerland

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