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Daily Quote Service

     “There is no real happiness for those on the wrong side. The greatest pleasure in life is the security of the true side. You can vainly try to win over the world or you can nicely be over the world. Your task is to change your operating center from strained imagination to relaxed reality.”

Special Spiritual Exercises

     Below are spiritual exercises and special lessons taken from classroom lectures by Vernon Howard. They are marvelous tools that can be applied to your life and will help you better understand what these teachings are
all about. Use them and gain the wonderful rewards and benefits which they can give you.

  • Do Not Be Distrubed

    Someday people who don’t want truth are going to run out of their candles, and do you know, every candle holder knows — listen to this, it’s incredibly deep but listen. Every candle holder knows that little flickering light will one day go out!
         That is, they know that their sick life, their unspiritual life, will one day no longer be their friend. It will go away. However, we have to study this for years to get it, but here it is in a few words. They hold the candle. That is, they go fluttering around to their parties, bragging about how much money they’re making. That’s their little candle, false candle with their name on it. “Me, me, my candle. See, I can light up the whole world, I’m so bright.”
         All right, in back of them holding up this little personal egotistical candle, in their depths, every human being who doesn’t want the truth you’re hearing here, every single one of them is terrified unconsciously. They can’t see it. They don’t want to see it. They could see it if they wanted to, but they don’t want to see it. They’re shaking, they’re trembling, and that in turn makes them evil, hostile. Makes them maniacs. They don’t care who they destroy as long as they get a false feeling of life.
         Now listen, this is so much! In back of their defying the whole world, “I have a right to rob all the banks I want for what people have done to me,” in back of all that, they have the fear that one day their desperations and their crimes will come to an end, because there won’t be a physical body there to commit the crimes anymore. They know that.
         Now here it is. We have to go back to something a little lighter. But their very torment over coming to an end, “I know I’m getting older. I’m fifty, seems like a day ago I was twenty. I’m fifty now and I’m not as spry as I used to be,” all this is unconscious. They use that devil-inspired desperation to increase their love of un-life because it’s pure flaming burning emotion.
         Oh, do they love flaming emotions! They get a little bit in their candle flame, but they want the whole forest fire to explode. They want the whole world to burn up, all in a last ditch, futile attempt to think of themselves as a God unto himself and herself. “I am me.”
         No, you’re not ‘me’, and if you don’t wake up, if you don’t wake up, you’ll never ever have anything but utter stark terror all your days and nights.
         So, what do we do here at New Life? We do this: understanding the incredible problem that people have with themselves and understanding perfectly why the world is crazy, you’ll understand everything you see on the news. Understanding that, what is our reaction to that?
         Well, I’ll tell you what our reaction is. Our reaction is to walk over to the window of our inner home and look out. And seeing the murder in the streets, seeing the destruction of homes, of people, the destruction of the ocean, the destruction of the air, seeing the total destruction, look at it without one flicker of emotion of any kind. See it with spiritual vision.
         God looks down and sees the insanity that’s going on everywhere in every city. God looks down and sees that. Now, what is the nature of God? The one nature God has, of course — and we can use the usual virtues: omnipotence, purity, all power. God is all that is good, all that is marvelous, all that is happy. God is in total command of his own happiness.
         You want to use the Spirit of Truth? You want to say Cosmic Consciousness? That’s fine. I’m using the word God now. God looks down, as you should look out the window, and he sees and knows what’s happening there. He gave every man or woman in the world, all the billions, he gave everyone free will so that in their free will they can come to him or not, as they choose.
         You have been given the good medicine. The remedies are truly healthy, good, refreshing, marvelous for you. They are godly. This is it.
         Now that I’ve established that, I want you to know that the devil, the Lucifer who rules and ruins this earth, never gives up.
         Your exercise is: You’re to become conscious human beings looking out at the sick world, looking at the sick temptations that come to you, and you’re to remember that the Truth itself is never disturbed by anything.

  • Love the Water of Life
  • I Can't Help Myself
  • Save Me from Myself
  • Breathing Exercise
  • Who Are You Trying to Kid?
  • Spiritual Indifference
  • A Facial Exercise
  • Understand the Problem
  • Don't Die Asleep
  • Just Do It
  • A Sense of Urgency

     “Thank you so very much. I love Vernon Howard. He was a great prophet that I continue to enjoy reading, watching his videos and listening to his
great sayings.
   He continues to inspire and lift our souls to the highest levels of our being. He is truly
a master in contacting the divine within to inspire us all.”



     “Vernon Howard was always and forever living proof that there is something else.”

— Regina N., Retired Teacher

All of the above exercises were transcribed by Sally Forrest or Regina Netherton from a class lecture.

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