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     “There is no real happiness for those on the wrong side. The greatest pleasure in life is the security of the true side. You can vainly try to win over the world or you can nicely be over the world. Your task is to change your operating center from strained imagination to relaxed reality.”

New Life News
Articles and Banquet Reports

  • 2024 September Banquet

         The 2024 September banquet in Strawberry was a gigantic learning experience with new discoveries, mistakes seen and corrections made. All three banquet week classes were uplifting, informative and revealing, useful for our journey toward the Light. Much was given to help us safely navigate the stormy worldly weather and to stay on course to reach the heavenly harbor.
         Even though, as Vernon Howard declared in a 4/20/86 talk [MP3 CD Vol 3], we live in a warring world amidst the warring nature of humanity, we can be free of it by first seeing how we are complicit in going along with the whole mess. “Just don’t love war anymore. You’re all engaged in it.” It’s an inner battlefield; it’s you on night patrol when you can’t sleep. Director of New Life Richard Wooldridge said, “Just watch, and don’t get agitated” — such as over the political debates, elections, that other person and your own emotional reactions to that person. Those who still believe something in this earthly life can save them are doomed to disappointment. There is no politician, no spouse, no family, no job and no amount of money that can make any human being feel permanently secure. Not even good health or your so-called “comfortable life” can make you less afraid of the future. Only this work and Truth can save your sanity and guide you toward truly workable higher solutions.
         Your Power of Natural Knowing was the basis of talks on banquet day Saturday. People we see out in the world and even closer to home were described as petrified as stone, as the walking dead. As Vernon explained in “Your Discoveries are your Healings,” we must study evilology, and that knowledge protects us so we don’t have to be afraid of anything or anyone in this world anymore. Richard revealed some special facts given to us by Vernon about the presence of super-devils in this world and how, using this knowledge, we can rise above the fear in order to be different ourselves. He also said, “There must be something in us that wants to follow the higher instructions to break out.”
         Eric encouraged us to “go toward the problem” and not run away from difficulties. If we do face them, we find the problems were a lie, not real. He described our habitual “grrrrr” reactions to any unexpected change in our plans. “See how you like starting problems with people. You can drop being a grouch.” But as he explained, you’re not really the wreck you imagine you are either.
         Another Vernon Howard talk from 12/26/87 [MP3 CD Vol16] was the focus of talks given in Sunday’s class. Bill reminded us to “pray to God to give you back your power of choice.” He said the world is being flooded with incompetence in every part of society. He also gave two vital points to remember in Wednesday night’s class: that we’re being attacked by billions of demons, but we have the ultimate protection knowing that no one is actually there inside of us to be hurt by them. He said to watch when Truth tells you to do something right and then a wrong thought comes in at that moment and says don’t do it. Or we may become “fascinated with the fatal.”
         Jeff quoted the powerful fact that “spiritual rewards have nothing to do with earthly rewards.” Although something in us wants agitation, “we can flip off the switch on the mental film” whenever we wish.
         Paul also emphasized that “heavenly rewards are different from earthly rewards.” He said your life is what it is because of the choices you’ve made. It is you that you need to get free of, not the world (for the world lives inside us). He described when you come to the precipice of choice, you usually turn and run back the way you came, but you can choose the higher way by taking the leap, where you’ll be “held aloft by angels’ wings.” Paul told us to find out that you of yourself can do nothing to help change your nature. Only turning to the Truth itself can provide the needed transformation.
         We were also given two exercises for the banquet and to take home as well: to know when you touch a chair, and to “welcome difficulties — to not run away and hide out from them.”
         Saturday’s banquet food was excellent, with a traditional feast of roast beef, with a bountiful table of desserts and delicious breakfasts each day as well. Formal entertainment was highlighted by harmonious and pleasant singing and a lovely minuet dance by the Pretties. Light jokes and skits were provided to crack the barrier of gloom and release laughter, to go against fixed states, fear and memorized reactions in order to let go in the relaxing, yet energizing, atmosphere. Vernon told us to make anxiety conscious so you can go beyond and above it to natural enjoyment.
         The effort to attend this banquet kept us going forward in spite of our own complaining natures and obstacles encountered. A banquet is a great way, a superior way, for learning new lessons, and also for revealing what we still have not learned and corrected, like pointing the finger of blame at other people before looking at myself. Or seeing that I blame the mechanical device (TV, phone, car, computer) instead of looking into what’s wrong with something I did. In other words, could there still be robotic parts of me like I see in those “petrified people” around me? We also learn that Truth confronts us with the tough questions but assures us that we can go through what we must go through in order to live the higher life. We went home inspired to see more and see deeper, and to “come out from among them.”

  • 2024 Pagosa Springs Banquet
  • 2024 Irish Banquet
  • 2023 Christmas Banquet
  • 2023 Thanksgiving Banquet
  • 2023 September Banquet
  • 2023 Pagosa Springs Banquet
  • 2023 May Banquet
  • 2023 Irish Banquet
  • 2022 Christmas Banquet
  • 2022 September Banquet
  • 2022 Pagosa Springs Banquet

     “Thank you so much for the newsletter. Each one is a delightful treat to receive in the mail and is a sheer little treasure of fresh inspiration and relevant comments from Mr. Howard. I have made a vigorous determination to devote myself to my freedom and wholeness. This determination and continuous study of Vernon Howard’s writings yielded life saving results nothing short of miraculous.
    Anyone who really wants an ‘authentic’ life filled to overflowing with the good Life can’t afford to ignore Vernon’s writings and powerful insights into the human condition. His writings answer a life-time of real and imagined concerns that have mystified the most learned minds.”

Marie N., Palm Springs, CA

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