Grand Tetons Fall

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Daily Quote Service

     “What you want also wants you. If you seek the celestial, the celestial also seeks you. There are no unanswered requests in the universe. If we do not like what we are receiving, we can learn to ask for something different.”

How to End Suffering Archive 5

     The commentary series below is focused on a particular negative emotion, painful feeling, negative trait or  state of human beings that causes us tremendous pain and suffering. Perhaps you will recognize that you yourself have had personal experience with this condition. You’ll find the explanation of how it causes suffering and how it produces detrimental effects in your daily life. You will also be shown how Truth can help you to lessen these effects and how you can eventually eliminate them from your life altogether. A new negative characteristic of human nature will be gone into each month. It will be great fun to explore these things in order to help us see through them and to be rid of them.

  • Inferiority - Dr. Lynne Wooldridge

         Vernon Howard once said, “You have not failed the world; the world has failed you.” By obscuring the real purpose of life on this earth, this world likes nothing better than to coerce and push human beings into chasing empty and worthless baubles that we’re assured will bring peace and security, but only bring a greater sense of desperation. One way in which we’ve been hoaxed is to believe the lie that a perceived state of personal inferiority is a reality that determines someone’s destiny in this life.
         The life-healing teachings of Vernon Howard say that in the higher world, there is no such thing as inferiority or superiority, no such thing as success or failure as defined by society; there is only oneness with the force that created us. Yes, some may be better at math or are able to memorize things more easily, but no one has a better chance of rising to the higher life than a sincere student of these teachings.
         This journey is an individual endeavor. It has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks of you or with how society judges you or tries to box you in with its confining labels. And that means that no other human being, no organization, no form of pressure from out there can keep you from attaining inner peace and genuine happiness if you want it more than you want your old life. No one else can stop you from waking up.
         People do all sorts of harmful things when they feel inferior to others. They try harder, they force things to reach their desired outcome, they lash out at being rejected, they blame the one they feel is “superior” to them in some way, they turn in on themselves and become frozen blocks of ice, all in a vain attempt to protect what Vernon calls their DPF’s (Darling, Precious Feelings).
         These reactions are really a defense of the entire noisy mob of identities that reside inside of us. These acquired personalities dictate our behavior and we’ve clung to them and protected them since childhood. Because we don’t know who we really are, we grab onto negative thoughts and feelings, including inferiority, embracing the belief that we’ve somehow failed to live up to a set of what are actually unattainable and unrealistic expectations.
         We were not put on this earth to “succeed” in the ways of the world. Real success is spiritual in nature. In fact, it is all that counts in this life. The mind steeped in propaganda can’t fathom this but by becoming more conscious, we become more alive and can begin to sense that the spiritual world is completely unlike this competitive, demanding and merciless society in which we live.
         Vernon Howard puts our problem so simply. He says the old and familiar ways can never work because they contain false beliefs about human nature. There it is in one sentence. That’s why we’re urged at every turn to discover what our own human nature is really like. What we’ll discover is that a part of us loves feeling inadequate so we can abdicate our responsibility for personal growth and say “I just can’t do it; I can’t understand these things.” But to clearly see this destructive attitude we must become aware of the chaotic and contradictory nature of our thoughts and feelings.
         Vernon gave us hundreds of exercises we can use to understand more. Alternate between the following exercises to gain more awareness of how we now operate:
         1) Come back to yourself many times during the course of a day and quietly watch your thoughts and feelings impartially. Don’t do anything but observe them. And when you’re shocked by what you see, don’t retreat but keep watching.
         2) When you catch a negative thought or feeling entering, shut it off immediately. Done with right force, the intruder has no recourse but to leave.
         We can talk all day about how wonderful these principles are, but the crux of the matter is developing what Vernon called a “Magnificent Obsession” with yielding to Truth’s own urging to go beyond ourselves. Then an immense gratitude and love for what we’re learning can come in and inspire us to keep climbing.

  • Approval - Paul Wolfe
  • Impatience - Kyle Rickert
  • Disobedience - Bill Brown
  • Irresponsibility - Karen West
  • Carlessness - Dave Netherton
  • Grousing - Judith Anderson

     ”I’ve been reading almost nothing but Vernon Howard every day for the last 5-6 months and this recent order will provide me with the remainder of all his books. After 16 years as a sincere seeker, I can’t believe I didn’t come across Vernon Howard until recently. Perhaps it’s the principle of “when the student is ready the teacher will appear” at play. Thank you.

— E-mail from man in Canada

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