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     “What you want also wants you. If you seek the celestial, the celestial also seeks you. There are no unanswered requests in the universe. If we do not like what we are receiving, we can learn to ask for something different.”

Monthly Lessons Archive 2025

  • January 2025
  • February 2025

         Now we have the greatest story ever told to humanity because it’s a story about you as an individual, as a man or woman here on earth. If you don’t like the chapters in your personal novel, you can toss it all out, leave it back where it belongs in ancient history, and get a fresh pen, and start your life story all over. You must not allow the subtle and cunning power of past history in your personal life to interfere with your thinking, with your receptivity that is going on right now.
         Ah, you’ll say, “I thought that I was trapped by my past thinking, past experiences. I thought it was needful for me to suffer today about something that happened twenty years ago. I so believed in the need of recurring pressure and pain that I invited them, thinking it was a good thing to feel today again the humiliation and the disgrace and the disappointments that I felt yesterday and twenty years ago. And as a matter of fact, I must hasten the moment to have the courage to go to that closet that I’ve been visiting every day and taking out the old scripts, and throw them out.”
         I tell you, you will get a new, true, exalted feeling of authentic spirituality, of liberty, of happiness, each time you rip out the old page, and there’s the fresh one right in front of you. And listen to this. Say this to yourself. “I am not trapped by all those years in the past. If I make a mistake now even, I can rip the whole page out and there’s another fresh page.”
         When you make a mistake, any kind of a mistake that you know is wrong, don’t continue to think that you’re compelled to read the first mistaken line and are compelled to continue with the next wrong move. Dare to toss it in the wastebasket and start again.
         Now, you can add a second true fact  encouragement. Remember, you’re writing the book all day long in your own mind. You can add a second one, a third one, and a fourth one, all the time building up what can be called heavenly momentum so that you’re shifting your central self from acting mechanically to flowing consciously.
         You say and think that it is needful for you to live with the manuscript-self of that terrible, shocking, experience when you were ten years old, and you even want to blot it out of your mind. You must never, never, never blot it out of your mind; that’s called repression. Repression causes pressure. That’s called avoiding reality. It happened when you were a ten-year old boy or girl, didn’t it?

         Unpleasant behavior is sick behavior. Few people want to think about this fact, but you will do so. From now on you will see that unpleasant people are sick people. You know the thousand varieties of unpleasantness, including sarcastic accusations, delirious demands, repulsive self-worship, a cold and hostile face. If your behavior is unpleasant, you must see that you have chosen midnight over noon and see that you will stumble and fall in your own darkness. If another person is unpleasant, realize that your wish for sunlight must have nothing to do with his darkness.

  • March 2025
  • April 2025

     “I’ve already read The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power and Psycho-Pictography, both excellent reads. I’m very interested in the books of Mr. Howard and want to buy more of them. Once again, thank you for your message and I wish you all the best.”

— E-mail from man in Croatia

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