Grand Tetons Fall

FREE! Secrets of Life
Daily Quote Service

     “What you want also wants you. If you seek the celestial, the celestial also seeks you. There are no unanswered requests in the universe. If we do not like what we are receiving, we can learn to ask for something different.”

October Monthly Lessons

From Vernon Howard Classes

     Here is a wonderful opportunity to take these powerful truths and put them to use in your daily life. The goal is self-enrichment and the result is new life-command. Remember, the knowledge in these lessons already exists in your higher nature. You need only ascend to the location within yourself. Other people have understood them and so can you.

Never Be Betrayed Again

     We’ll teach you how to remember, as the prodigal son did, that you have a higher home and that’s the only place to be. All those friends out in the wilderness, they betrayed you, didn’t they? You know very well they betrayed you. The father in his castle will never betray you, and is the only entity you’ll ever meet that is true to you. I’m not talking religion, I’m talking facts, and all of you know I’m telling you the truth. Follow that truth.

Self-Deception Is the Problem

     You have to see that you are being lied to by you. It says, “Accuse someone else. Feel sorry for yourself.” The feeling is not real. Unconscious self-deception is the problem. Want a new innocent nature.


     “I am so delighted with my new entire collection of the Vernon talks on MP3 CD. I have them on my iPhone and my iPad and I have access wherever I go. Vernon is the best friend I’ve ever had! Since I got this collection, my blood pressure has actually gone down. Thank you for making these available. It feels good to know that they are preserved in a manner that is more lasting than the tapes. I am so grateful. And even the cases are covered with works of art!”

— Lady from Minnesota via e-mail

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