Fall Mountain Lake

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   “Through the remarkable insights in his talks and writings you will rise to a level of self- command never before experienced.”
                   — Richard Wooldridge

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— Karen West

A Delightful Irish Banquet

Irish Clover HarpLeprechaun Fiddling     You are cordially invited to join us for a wonderful weekend of festivities. The dates are Saturday, March 8 and Sunday, March 9, 2025. There are two marvelous classes which begin at 9 AM each day. Breakfast is served from 7:30 AM till 8:30 AM. Please come early to class.
     Class will end around 10:20 AM and there is informal entertainment until we dine at 11:30 AM. Then it’s all the corned beef and cabbage with boiled potatoes and carrots that you can eat. Lots of fabulous desserts are left out all day long. Since the altitude in Strawberry is at 6000 feet, your calorie intake is reduced dramatically! The cost for everything all day Saturday is $30.
     We have a special request that you bring something green to wear (or orange if you prefer). Following the meal, the formal entertainment will begin around 1 PM. You will be entertained with traditional Irish songs and dances as well as good old-fashioned clean humor, all performed by New Life students. Following the formal entertainment, informal dancing will go on till 3 PM.
     On Sunday, the class is a $3 donation and there is a $3 meal after the class. The whole weekend is loaded with lots of opportunities to mine spiritual gold. Don’t miss out on all the fun!

     P.S. Again you don’t have to be Irish to attend. For more information on lodging and dining click on the highlighted links.


     I’m still aglow with Banquet Bliss. Can’t wait till the next one.

— Lady from Arizona via e-mail

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