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     “There is no real happiness for those on the wrong side. The greatest pleasure in life is the security of the true side. You can vainly try to win over the world or you can nicely be over the world. Your task is to change your operating center from strained imagination to relaxed reality.”

Points to Ponder by Richard Wooldridge

Richard Wooldridge     Richard has been the director of New Life since 1993. He started attending classes in 1975 and moved to Boulder City, Nevada from Dallas, Texas in 1977.
He worked closely with Vernon Howard and others in the running of New Life.
He actually lived at the building in Boulder City where he had many responsibilities. Vernon Howard was very tough on him in order to give him the greatest opportunity for discovering something higher. He is very grateful for the guidance he was given even though it was very difficult at times. The false self is not going to give up easily and it takes many years of hard work to begin to understand the deeper meanings of these teachings. But it’s all worth it for the pearl of great price.

  • From 2025 Spring Newsletter

         Whenever one attends any activity at New Life there is always a special kind of energy there to help you. Whether it’s a class, a banquet, a mailing party, taking inventory, making a meal at the building, entering an order into a computer, whatever it might be, Truth is there to uplift, energize, to separate us and to elevate us above the so-called problems of the insane world we face on a daily basis. It can even help us when not feeling well physically.
         I sometimes turn on AM radio for a while in the evenings. It’s usually talk radio. It can be about events going on in the world, politics, sports, tragedies, etc. After listening for some time to these shows, I noticed something recently that I hadn’t been aware of before. All the hosts of the various shows had nothing of real value to give. There was no substance there. There was no authentic life in them.
         In the book, A Treasury of Trueness, Vernon Howard states, “The world has nothing of real value to give you because it does not exist. Because it does not exist as a reality, because it is illusory, it has only illusory and worthless rewards for you.” He is simply stating a fact. It is something that any earnest person can verify and understand for oneself.
         After coming to New Life for many years and hearing the pure truth, you can begin to detect and even feel the difference in what the world offers and what these teachings offer. You can see the contrast between what the world says and does and the uplifting vitality and power of truth. The radio hosts have a plethora of knowledge about certain subjects but there’s no connection with anything of a higher nature. It’s all of this world. There’s no real nourishment there for the spirit.
         When attending a class or banquet you can feel a different, uplifting kind of energy. When listening to a Vernon Howard talk or watching a video you can perceive that he is talking about something that is far above this earth if there is a corresponding part in you that wants to hear something higher. It’s inspiring, it’s refreshing, it lifts you up, it’s elevating, it feels good.
         Do you remember what Christ said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” In other words, where two or more are gathered in my name I will be there, my name being the Truth. Christ was not saying to worship him but to acknowledge the creator in order to discover the higher within.
         Vernon explained one time that every human being comes into contact with God/Truth/Reality at some point in one’s life. They either embrace it or reject it. Most people reject it. This is an absolute spiritual law. There is either a receptive part in us or there is not.
         As a young man I was looking for something but didn’t know what it was. I wasn’t sure what I was doing and had no idea what to do with my life. You go to school and they ask you what you want to major in. You put something down but you’re not really convinced that is what you’re really interested in. You get a job but aren’t sold on that either. If you’re honest, you know you’re not really happy. You do the dating thing but are clumsy at it. You try organized religion, but it is utterly boring. Something in you knows that the priest or minister doesn’t really know what he is doing or talking about. It isn’t providing you with what your heart is seeking.
         At a certain point I was selling women’s shoes in a large department store in Dallas, Texas and met an older gentleman who was also working there. One day while on my lunch break, I happened to run into him at a nearby restaurant. He introduced me to Vernon Howard’s teachings. He mentioned some things which struck a chord with me. He later brought me a couple of books to read. None of this was an accident.
         After a while I ordered some books and cassette tapes from New Life. They piqued my interest even further. I was still hoping at that time I would meet the girl of my dreams. It didn’t happen. I was still as miserable as ever. So, in 1975 I decided that on my summer vacation from work, I would travel to Boulder City, Nevada and attend a number of classes. I drove there and camped out in National forests the whole trip. It was relatively safe to do that sort of thing back then. Hearing Vernon Howard in person changed my life forever.
         Something in me knew that he knew. I had finally found someone who knew the Answer to life. It’s what I had been looking for my whole life. There was still a ton of work that had to be done and a lot to see and understand but it has been worth every trial and tribulation that one must go through.
         I made one more trip from Dallas before moving to Boulder City to learn, study and work for the Truth. Even though Vernon has since passed, there is still much work to be done. You don’t really ever stop learning if you are truly interested in the higher world. Vernon once put it this way, “God is the only thing in the universe that does not stop. Everything else comes to an end but God alone continues.”
         All this connects with something else: Eternal Life. A higher power put an entity, an essence into human beings that yearns for something more than this earthly existence. Happiness exists but not for anyone who is earthbound. Meaning, if we settle only for the rewards of this world that is all we’ll ever have. You’ll never be content or truly satisfied. This is a cosmic fact.
         Have you noticed that when you got that job you had longed for that over a certain amount of time, the novelty and so-called satisfaction wore off? Have you noticed when your team won the Super Bowl or the World Series or the Stanley Cup that the thrill faded? Maybe you got the promotion, but the elation dissipated. You got the new car or the new dress, but the newness didn’t last. You found the man or woman of your dreams, got married, had a family and after a few years it fell apart. As Vernon once put it, “Your love boat turned into a battleship.”
         We’re going to have to see that the answer, the solution can only be found in the Higher. This world can never fulfill us. Anything of this earth will not last. It’s only temporary. The fulfillment you are looking for is not of this world.
         As you begin to age, your physical body doesn’t work the way it used to. I recently had to have cataract surgery, which is another sign the body is starting to deteriorate. That can be a spiritual experience as well. We do not have to get negative even though the body is starting to weaken, and you don’t feel good physically.
         This world is constantly telling us we must be miserable. We see our parents argue with one another. We see human beings constantly fighting and attacking one another. The news, no matter where you get it from, is negative and tragic. It’s been ingrained in our DNA that life is not worthwhile unless you have to strain and struggle.
         Truth sees things very differently. Vernon Howard once put it this way, “We have all of us here experienced spiritual things, cosmic experiences, which we couldn’t understand, but we experience them daily: Lots of confusions, lots of why and all that. So in a way every day is a day of celebration, every day is a day of renewing and refreshing ourselves and our task must be a very vigilant one. Wide awake at every minute so that the lesson does not miss us; that’s the problem, it slips by us.”
         All this is going to require a different kind of energy that is not of this world. If we work hard any earnest person can tap into it. It’s the only thing we can take with us when we leave this earth.

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  • From 2018 Fall Newsletter

     “In 2005 I got divorced, my children got so angry with me they haven’t spoken to me since and I made a very disastrous financial mistake. I now live in a small apartment instead of the beautiful home I once had. Am I complaining? NO WAY. I can say with all truthfulness that I am happier than I have ever been. I live alone but am not lonely. I almost never experience boredom even though I am retired with many hours spent alone. I have faced very painful truths about myself but thanks to Vernon Howard I began to see them as ways to freedom. Guilt was a constant companion for most of my life and letting go of it is a gift beyond price.”

With great love,
Bonnie H.


     “I am writing from Papua New Guinea, a very small country north of Australia.
     Two weeks ago I was checking for reading material in a bookshop when I came across the book titled The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power.
     Anyway I would like to say that I feel very happy when I am reading it. The information presented is so powerful that I read a chapter every time I come home after work. It really explicitly explains the true meaning of life. It provides me with insights and a clear vision of me being on this planet.
     I am so pleased that I could just take this time to thank you for the inspirational words and countless encouragements.

Thank you,
Roncy via e-mail

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