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“There is nothing in the whole universe that represents a threat to who you really are.”
“There is no real happiness for those on the wrong side. The greatest pleasure in life is the security of the true side. You can vainly try to win over the world or you can nicely be over the world. Your task is to change your operating center from strained imagination to relaxed reality.” |
If you don’t know you’re walking down the street, you don’t know anything else. That’s the problem. You’re not there. You’re not home. Your thoughts are living your life and look how they wreck it. Everyone is walking down the street thinking about something, never asking God to come down and break a hole in the roof of my mind so I can climb out and know I’m walking down the street. This is your exercise: When we leave the room today, you’re to know you stand up and know you’re walking. You’re to walk consciously all day long.
Think about yourself as a human being here on earth and therefore not all those “I am this,” “I am that” identities. This takes you in a different direction. Think of yourself as a human being and find out where that will lead you. If you do that, something else will happen that never happened before.
Also, agree to let God, spiritual powers, decide for you what you’re going to admit into your mind. Slam the door to hell and open the door to heaven.
Negative emotions are very clever in disguising themselves as necessary, as essential to our psychic survival. Say, “Who are you trying to kid? God, please empower this statement!” This is you working in cooperation with God. Negative emotions have no power of their own. They are a hoax! Take everything in consciously.
You’ve never been a success; you’ve never been a failure. You don’t have to succeed. When someone says something cutting, something that offends you, remember what you always did and you say, “Enough is enough, that’s all the farther I’m going!” Instead of connecting yourself with the ego memory you connect with Truth and you’re out of it. Instead of going back into the mechanical reaction, you stay awake and use your mind properly. You simply remember with pure memory, that all you did was burn when someone offended you, or didn’t believe you. You remember that what you did before was that you got indignant and now you understand that all those thousands of what you call failures, you weren’t involved in any of them. NO! NO! NO! You’re not a mechanical machine. You want to be. “Never, never, was I a hateful failure. Ah, yes, I was possessed, taken over.” Make a disconnection; you’re not you — not what you call yourself.
If the worst criminal would come here and understand what we’re talking about, his spirit would be as white as snow in the eyes of God. If he can do it, you can do it. Withdraw yourself from your own life. Rejoice! A hoax has been played on you and you don’t see it. You don’t know either success or failure.
Everything you need to know is in this talk. I personally guarantee that if you follow these principles you will know by personal experience, what it means to live from the shining light and you will never lose it.
Anything you do to reduce fear will increase it. Don’t mind being afraid! Now is the time to not mind being afraid because you’re going into it in order to see what’s on the other side. You have chosen to shake, that’s why you do it. If you mind fear, you keep it going. Who is worried about being afraid and saying, “I must not be afraid.”
Anything you do to reduce fear will increase it. Don’t you dare do anything! You’re not going to get over being afraid if you do something. You try to control your shaking; you want to impress someone and not let them see. The mistake that keeps it going is trying to do something about it. You must let the house collapse. It can be done! It must be done!
You will find great magic happening to you if you will stop doing anything that harms another human being.
Human beings take the rescuer as the enemy and the enemy as the friend. The false voices in you will tell you to forget the treasure and not find the way out of the cave. Important — make them conscious. Begin to be suspicious of the voices. Profound fact: Because you listen to the lie that it is risky, dangerous, to find your way out, you don’t find the way out. You are repressing that. Begin to bring up to awareness a sense of being in danger. Get suspicious of the voice that says it’s risky to go.
All talking about yourself as either flattering or critical is a mistake which will continue to keep you a victim of your own false personality because you see — look how simple it can be stated — falseness never knows what to do; your mixed up self, your confused nature, never knows how to behave in any circumstance which means that you can’t behave spiritually and intelligently when you need to, when going into that business affair, when meeting a new person.
Only the Spirit telling the mind and emotions how to behave is worthwhile so when the Spirit wants to talk to you, allow it to talk to you but it can’t do that if you’re talking to yourself. Now you understand a little better the value of the words and what are behind them — the words “going silent”, “going quiet within” — not allowing the chatterbox, whether it’s talking to other people or to yourself, to be in control of your life and of your reactions, but to — better write this down please. Dare to remain quiet. Don’t say anything. Don’t think anything. Don’t feel anything, and especially, don’t try to protect yourself because what you’re protecting is something you should not protect. Silence at the moment of the crisis will allow that quietness to be there, and Truth, Heaven, can only speak to you, instruct you, when there is silence.
If you and your pain are the same thing, what can you do about it? You can do this. You can consciously refuse to do anything at all to relieve it. Don't phone your girlfriend to talk about it or be bitter because that man left you for another woman. What you can also do is understand that the slightest move towards removing the pain will keep it going. If you consciously refuse to do anything about the pain, that will increase the intensity. This intense watching is what increases the separation so that there is born in you something new that is not a part of emotional heartache. This is the beginning of God, Truth, operating on the darkness inside of you. The light shining on the pain does the one thing that puts it away, which is to show you its actual nature. What it consists of is unseen movements passing through you that you in your nonevolvement say “I” to.
Your exercise is as follows: all of us will talk slowly, that doesn’t mean two miles an hour, talk slowly, not impulsively, aware that we’re in this new kind of state because most of the time we talk fast or nervously. So, later on, it may become natural for any of us, including myself to go faster for the right reason, then we can go faster, but we know we’re doing that. So all during this meeting, we’re all going to slow down, which does not mean to be frozen and sometime we’re going to have the exact opposite exercise of moving twice as fast than we generally move, in order to see the opposite of that.
Start redirecting the way your mind really thinks. Ask, “Am I a problem to myself?” That is where I have to do more right thinking. You don’t have to make it. You don’t have to be who you think you have to be. All you have to do is be real! It is not that other person; I am a problem to myself. Stick with that. The problem is where the solution is.
Watch how fearful lies try to sneak in when you ask that question. Little by little, you feel lighter. The insane desires are your problem. Ask Truth to break that chain.
When you feel a truth from a class, why don’t you write about it? Writing time: Time with myself to express clearly what I have gotten from this work. Write what you have gotten from these classes, [books, booklets, CDs and DVDs] so that everything will become clear to you.
Writing can produce something that you can’t get any other way. You must repeatedly put yourself in the position to be a channel for Truth. Individual processes are necessary to reach the point where light can break through.
LESSON: NOTHING IS MORE STUPID THAN TO SUFFER! If you took that one thought and put it where you’d see it a dozen times a day for months and years, something would click inside you and all the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of your life would begin to come together. Nothing is dumber than to live in pain. Now, you’re understanding, “Oh, there’s something wrong with me.”
You have to stand all alone at every stage and when you say, “I don’t want anxiety in my life.” It is good to have no feeling. When an anxiety passes through you, start treating it in an intelligent way. Say, “I don’t want you” and know you don’t know what to do next. Stand all alone and know it is all wrong for you. Tell your anxiety — talk to it consciously — “I don’t have time for you,” just like you’d tell bandits, robbers, etc. Yet you invite these inner outlaws in and let them wreck your house.
The mind must be changed first; then the feelings follow. Say, “That’s not what I am here on earth for. Get out of my life!” Don’t expect emotions yet. “Oh, I don’t want to put up with this anymore. NO!”
Since evolution is possible, since my mini-brain might grow a little bit, I’ll begin to do what is necessary to make it grow which is to exercise it. So it is very good for me every time I have a crisis of any kind, financial, emotional, social, every time I have a jolt from you or from society as a whole, or a jolt from my own mind, that is very valuable to me and I'm going to use it rightly from now on. And this is why we have the exercise at the beginning to remember when these crises come, to turn in the right direction, to think on these things, to think properly toward the crisis and to see that there is indeed something I can do.
For example, you can get gold if you will work hard when you are in “I’s” that don’t want to work. These are loafer “I’s” but they can be changed into worker “I’s” if we work then. Maybe you’re not feeling real good, or you had a disappointment, or you’re discouraged and there is nothing in you that wants to work. Identify these times and make efforts to stay awake. That is, to just drop thought and know where you are. If we will continue to do this we can get gold. You have to put far more energy into dropping thought and just knowing where you are.
Have you ever had a hellish experience with another human being? The emphasis tonight is this: instead of identifying with evil thoughts, malicious thoughts, malignant thoughts, whether I see them in you or in me, instead of calling them my thoughts, instead of thinking that they are native to me, I am now as an exercise seeing them as coming from the outside, invading me because of my doziness, in my love for evil, and my love for evil is simply another form of evil and another form of sleep. Therefore, I let them take me over and live a life of torment myself because I am the very thing that I permit to come in. I permit it, I experience it. I call it me, that is the only life I have; this is the only life I have.
If you were excited over the fact that every day you could get up in the morning and learn more about God, it would show and you would know it and would live it. What do you care about except to elevate yourself a little more? The time will come when you know absolutely that all you have to do is love Truth and the rest takes care of itself.
Go out of here wanting one thing, the Spirit of Truth, which is the only thing that can do something real for you.
Now, do you remember the exercise I gave you several times about when you’re at home sometime, preferably when you’re all alone, when you’re frantically running around the room doing this, doing that, they may indeed be necessary, you have to wash clothes and you have to sweep the floor, things like that, but right in the middle of your frantic emotional activities, I instructed you to stand in the middle of the room, nothing in your hand, no coffee, no cigarette, stand in the middle of the room, let your hands just drop by the sides, stand right there and do nothing, think nothing, feel nothing and watch how it drives you crazy.
Here is what you’re going to do from now on, starting now. You’re going to be aware of your existence at all times. Starting right now, you’re going to be aware of yourself right now, being an alive physical human being. You’re going to notice when you gesture like that. You’re going to notice the thoughts that go through the mind. You’re going to be in one of two states:
1. Either knowing about your existence here, seeing what’s passing through you for example, or,
2. You’re going to be engaged in some practical thought, e.g., you’d better fix the dinner or set the table, or you’re thinking about necessary things like consulting proper memory to repair your car.
This is the most valuable knowledge I’ve ever given you. Effective right now your whole life is going to be dedicated to learning who you really are by never, never, never, never being in any other state except either useful thought or just being aware of your existence — conscious of myself seated in the chair — know I am here in this room, very alert all around me ... aware of my existence without interfering with what I see. This is the beginning of sanity.
Make the bold declaration: THIS IS A NEW DAY, A NEW KIND OF LIFE FOR ME!
Your search for your essential self keeps you young in body, mind and spirit. That is a worthwhile objective, so what you’re going to do from now on when arising in the morning is to make the bold declaration: This is a new day for me. Your inner comprehension of that makes it come true. The words themselves are an opening, a reminder to you of what true spiritual magic can happen inside of you if you do your part. Your part is to remind yourself in the morning that this is a different day for you because there is something that can make it different. Now when you say that the first several times, you’re not going to understand what you’re saying. Never mind. You have to study spiritual subjects just as you study history or geography.
What you’re saying is that this is a new life for me, a new kind of existence on earth for me. When you say that you begin the spiritually magical process by which the understanding develops during your day because of your early morning declaration. You understand that what is new is something that has always existed – billions and trillions of years in the past and billions and trillions of years in the future. You’re really saying, though you won’t understand it at the start, you’re saying that “This is a new eternity for me.”
By starting with these thoughts, gradually through the power of higher forces which you have allowed to enter, you will comprehend that you are not talking about your personal self at all. You’ll understand in a new way the meaning of the word ‘me’. The realization comes to you the ‘me’ must not meet the day. The entity inside you is now meeting and conquering everything it meets because you have nothing to fight, to gain, to protect. You don’t have to argue, no one to defeat. The absence of the old nature makes it increasingly clear to you what is meant when you say, “This is a new day for me.” Oh, this is astonishing, beautiful. What it means is that the dissolution of the ‘me’, the old nature, the absence of that allows a new nature, a new awareness to get out and go out and meet the battling world out there. But since when does true spirituality have anything to fight with? You know you have won.
After a long, long time of you repeating over and over “This is a new day for me” – you can say it anytime you want – you will begin to understand what it means to not live in time. Yes, you’re going to need the clock and calendar for earthly endeavors but your nature inwardly now has nothing to do with time.
Want this to be your personal experience from saying “This is a new day for me.” You actually have it all – all that is real! All that is pleasant! You have everything including eternity. Time has vanished. You don’t have an anxious self anymore.
So I’m going to catch myself without making another mistake of living in time. Thought is always in time. So I break thought, then there will be a pause in which there is no thought at all and in that I am free. And when you do this for the first time, when you really see that you can be without a thought at all, you’ll want to work on yourself every minute because you have sighted the way out at last; so that you are not depending on thought to keep your false personality intact. It is only thinking that keeps it in place. Our task is to throw it out altogether so that I can see that something is self-defeating and then say “All right, I saw it. I am not going to linger on it so as to feel myself as a great sinner. I am going to drop thought.” I would say that the most frightening thought that ever comes to a human being is the idea of coming to the end of thought. Because when there is no thinking anymore, you, I, cease to exist which, thank heaven, is what we were looking for all along. But we are afraid to look at it because “What would happen if I let go of my success, my reputation of being the nice man?” What would happen is that you would be out of the cage. But we don’t know this. We have it exactly backward. What we value is ruining us. And what we reject could save us. It is best to reverse our thinking.
What bothered you inside you today? Are you willing to do something different and see through the hoax? If so then you have to take spiritual action which means walking away from what you’ve protected so foolishly — the cave of pain. Any time during your day you are going to break that emotional stabbing that you felt inside. You’re going to interrupt it and say in a spiritual voice, “I don’t want to associate with you anymore, and with the help of Truth itself, I am not going to.”
Abandoning yourself is never easy. It’s very scary, very difficult, but self-abandonment is necessary if you want to find and have a soul. Now you don’t have a soul. You’re working towards one. It means you have to put far more energy going through your entire day, breaking mechanical thought and knowing where you are!
Stop that thinking about that game on television and look aside from the TV set and just know that you’re seated in the chair watching the TV set. If you’re thinking about your favorite food, you will drop that thought about food. All the time you will be worried thinking that you’ll lose control of your life. What control do you have now?
On and on you go, daring to drop all self-centered thoughts. And oh, what a shock you’ll have to see that’s all you’ve ever had all your life – always trying to protect yourself and that was your misery, your fear, your tension, your irritability, thinking that you had to live your own life. Sacrifice something today, some false thought, some useless thought, some fiery emotion. Just know you can live without it, then Truth will show you what you can and will live with within and that will go on forever.
I will tell you this morning whether or not you have a chance to be saved. You have a chance to be saved only if you don’t know what it means to be saved. If you have anything at all in your mind and way of life that tells you that you know what it means to be saved, that means you are lost. We’re talking about a direction chosen by the wreck inside in which the individual, actually being lost – which means to be apart from Truth, from who you really are – in which the lost person refuses to go through the humiliation of seeing his false life and instead makes a declaration of self-slavery. In other words, he ‘knows’ what it means to be saved.
The few people on earth who have known that they were in this condition of false salvation, false security – the few people who have dared to see that their castle was a haunted one, had the awful marvelous [experience] that they were lost, calling themselves saved.
How are we ever going to find out what real deliverance is? How are we going to go beyond being religious into being spiritual? Is it possible to become this one in a million? You must know you don’t have any answers, and never did have any answers. You’re a phony and a fake. You try to make people think you can understand. Only when you know you’re lost can you be saved.
Do you want to be that one man or woman who finds himself in this life by getting rid of all your assumptions that you’re already saved and have found yourself? Will you ask Truth to give you the wish and the willingness to be that one very special person? With the grace and help of heaven and with the new understanding you can acquire through New Life teachings, you can be. Stick close.
“I tried a lot of self-help books but nothing seemed to work until I came across these incredible teachings of Vernon Howard. His clear explanation of life-healing principles has shown me how to bring real joy and meaning into my life. What a relief it is to finally be shown the right way to lasting happiness.”
— Doug S., Television Producer
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