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   “Through the remarkable insights in his talks and writings you will rise to a level of self- command never before experienced.”
                   — Richard Wooldridge

   “Discover how to heal past mistakes and start life all over.”

— Karen West

Delightful Banquets

Inspiring Classes … Delicious Banquet Feast …
All Day Snacks and Desserts … Wholesome Entertainment

     The classes always provide life-healing answers to life’s problems and challenges. The atmosphere is comfortable and enjoyable. The entertainment is clean, wholesome and a lot of good old-fashioned fun. There are also additional classes on banquet weekends and holidays.

Strawberry, Arizona

December 25, 2024
(Turkey & Trimmings)
March 8 & 9, 2025
(Corned Beef & Cabbage)
September 13 & 14, 2025
Classic (Pot Roast, Veggies & Salad)

Westminster, California
November 28, 2024
(Turkey & Trimmings)
May 9, 10 & 11, 2025
Americana (Chef Salad)
November 27, 2025
(Turkey & Trimmings)

Pagosa Springs, Colorado
July 11, 12 & 13, 2025
(Barbecue & more)
July 10, 11 & 12, 2026
Southwestern (Barbecue & more)

For more details


What kind of food is served?

Banquet meals consist of delicious fresh foods and luscious desserts. We try to buy organic food products whenever possible. At every banquet, there’s a wide variety of other dishes for all diets and it’s all you can eat. On Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day we serve a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

Please give me all the details for the Strawberry banquet.

Talks in Strawberry start at 9 AM on Saturday & Sunday.
On Banquet Day the festivities go from 8 AM till 3:30 PM
All the above only $33 for the entire weekend!
(If you can only make it Saturday, it’s $30 for the day.)

Please give me all the details for the Westminster banquet.
Talks in Westminster start at 7:30 PM Friday evening and 10 AM on Saturday & Sunday at May banquet.
On Thanksgiving weekend there is no Saturday talk.
On Banquet Day the festivities go on from 9 AM till 4 PM.
All the above only $36 for the entire weekend!

Please give me all the details for the Pagosa Springs banquet.
Talks in Pagosa Springs start at 7 PM on Friday and 9 AM on Saturday
& Sunday. On Banquet Day the festivities go from 8 AM till 3 PM.
All the above only $45 for the entire weekend!
(Price includes picnic lunch after the Sunday class.)
Pagosa Springs Motels & Dining Recommendations

How early should I come to class?
There are pre-class activities that start 20 minutes before the hour. So come early to class. Doors open at 7 AM in Strawberry, 8 AM in Westminster and 8 AM in Pagosa Springs on banquet Saturdays. There’s always fresh piping hot coffee ready to go when the doors open. Also, breakfast dishes are served before every class at banquets.

How long do the festivities last?
Typically from an hour before the class begins in the morning till 4 PM. If for some reason you can’t stay for the full day of festivities, it is OK to leave at any time. However, it is highly recommended if possible that you stay for the entire day. You will personally get the most out of it and will benefit by leaps and bounds spiritually from the atmosphere present in the room.

How do I make reservations?
Simply go to the Contact Us page, fill in pertinent information and click on the drop down box and select the banquet you plan on attending. Also please let us know how many are coming. You can also call, fax or mail us at the addresses below.

   There is a thirst for Truth here. It amazed me how everyone cooperated and worked together seamlessly to make the banquet such an enjoyable experience. My heart swells with gratitude. .

— Lady from Washington


   Thank you for all of the right effort made to put on the banquet. The results made the occasion a visible expression of how to do our inner work.

— Lady from Arizona via e-mail


   “This is a belated thank you for your hospitality when we attended the Christmas 2002 banquet. We have been studying Mr. Howard’s works for over ten years, and have wanted to come to a banquet  for the past eight years.
     Your web site and literature have always advertised the banquets as having “inspiring classes,” “delicious and wholesome food” and “delightful entertainment.” We did not know quite what to expect but found your description to be honest and  accurate. It was truly inspiring to be at New Life. (And in terms of creature comfort, the food was fabulous.) It was so encouraging to us to be there and to talk with so many of you.
     All of this is just to say thank you for a very rewarding and enlightening experience. We anticipate making the trip again as soon as we possibly can..

Sincerely yours,
J. R. —  Atlanta, Georgia

NEW LIFE ∙ PO BOX 2230 ∙ PINE, AZ 85544
(928) 476-3224 Fax (928) 476-4743 E-mail: info@anewlife.org
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