Indian Paintbrush

FREE! Secrets of Life
Daily Quote Service

     “There is no real happiness for those on the wrong side. The greatest pleasure in life is the security of the true side. You can vainly try to win over the world or you can nicely be over the world. Your task is to change your operating center from strained imagination to relaxed reality.”

About New Life Foundation

  • About New Life

    Inside HQ Meeting Hall     New Life is a nonprofit, federally tax-exempt educational, eleemosynary organization founded by Vernon Howard in the 1970’s for the distribution and dissemination of a true teaching. It is dedicated to sharing true principles of self-understanding and success as a human being. It is for anyone who has run out of their own answers and has said to themselves, “There has to be something else.” These teachings are the something else. All are encouraged to explore and apply these profound truths. Find out for yourself. They work!
         The Foundation’s headquarters are located in Strawberry, Arizona. Classes are conducted on a regular basis in Strawberry, Arizona and in Westminster, California, and also Pagosa Springs, Colorado, both official branches of New Life Foundation. The atmosphere at all New Life classes is friendly, light and uplifting. The classes are an island of sanity in a confused world. Don’t miss the opportunity to attend your first class.

  • Mission Statement
  • Nonprofit Organization
  • Donations
  • Letters of Gratitude


     I cannot thank New Life  enough. In making Vernon’s work available in your many varying ways (daily computer quotes, newsletters, etc.), my courage persisted and provided the faith needed to maintain my spiritual practice. The teachings have helped me expose the hoax of fear.
     Wishing you continued great prosperity.”

— Many thanks again,
Lady from Philadelphia, PA

NEW LIFE ∙ PO BOX 2230 ∙ PINE, AZ 85544
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