Poppies in Spring

FREE! Secrets of Life
Daily Quote Service

     “What you want also wants you. If you seek the celestial, the celestial also seeks you. There are no unanswered requests in the universe. If we do not like what we are receiving, we can learn to ask for something different.”

What’s New

Little Advanced Secret by Vernon Howard
     Nobody knows how bad it is. You have to see how bad it is before you can see how good it is. Everyone is insane. Until you know that, you can’t find sanity. You have never had anything but a mad mind, a mad spirit, tricky motives and lies.
     Exercise: Know the next time you think something bad. Know the next person you hurt. If you don’t do that, you won’t be shocked and stunned at how horrible you really are, and then you won’t be able to rise above that to something good.
     If you refuse to go through the shock, the stunning shock of knowing that everybody is insane, you won’t be able to go higher than that to sanity. That is a rule!
     Don’t take the world’s future as your future. Can’t you see where they are going? Never any more will you accept the troubles of any other human being as your troubles. “No, sir, madam, etc. I am not going to have anything at all to do with you. You have tricked me for the last time.”

Digital Download Update
    Amazon no longer supports .mobi or .azw files. However, Kindle can now read .epub files. So the .epub files should work on all tablets. If you have previously purchased .mobi files from us they should continue to work on your Kindle device.
Vernon Howard eBooks …  eBooklets

Upcoming New Life Banquets
     Join us for an uplifting Americana banquet in Westminster, CA on May 10 at 10 AM. The menu will consist of chef salad and desserts. Additional classes on Wednesday, March 7 and Friday, May 8 at 7:30 PM and Sunday, May 11 at 10 AM.
For more detailsChristmas Banquet Report

New Life Newsletter
     Our Spring/Summer Newsletter has been printed and mailed to everyone on our mailing list in March. If you’re not on our list and would like to receive a free copy, contact us with your mailing address. If you’ve had a recent change of address, please send us your old address and new address and we will change it in our database. (We do not share our mailing list with anyone.)
    If you’d like a copy of our previous newsletter just contact us with your mailing address. You can also download PDF files of past newsletters. Click Here

Toss Out Regrets  (Use for all of 2025)
     This is your work project for the entire year. If only I had done this instead of that. Why did I do that; feeling sorry for yourself and condemning yourself. Why couldn’t I be more intelligent to avoid that problem? Regret is both a pleasure and a pain. Unconscious regret is a traitor. Regret is a false level of existence and expression as something that is destructive to you. Watch for the infiltration of shadowy thoughts of regret. If you don’t toss out regret it will cause you to have more regrets which in turn causes you more pain. MP3 CD, Volume 34

Frequently Asked Questions
     Here are some frequently asked questions that we have heard over the years. The responses should help to give you a better understanding of these life-healing teachings. Take them in with a receptive spirit and many mysteries will be dissolved in the light of higher understanding.  FAQs 1

(Updated March 1, 2025)

NEW BROCHURE (Available Now)
BTM 2024     Our FREE updated catalog is available now. It contains all the latest updates and new editions and will be included in orders whenever possible. Postal regulations prohibit putting them in Media Mail packages. Just contact us if you want one.

Spectacular Booklet Box
Now Available! A Treasure Box of Higher Learning booklet box contains 16 booklets instead of 14, including all recently published new editions.
Only $35  Purchase here

Points to Ponder
     Powerful insights written by New Life Foundation Director, Richard Wooldridge. Richard has been with New Life since 1975. Points to Ponder

(Updated March 1, 2025)

     For a free printed copy of 40 Inspiring Guides to a New Life on nice textured design paper, just Contact Us. It is 8½" x 11". (This is NOT the same size as the 18”x24” poster offered at $10).

… Offer good only in the United States …

Spiritual Exercise
     Learn how to apply these life-healing principles. Here are specific exercises that can be used in your daily life to help you defeat what now defeats and hurts you. Latest one: Do Not Be Disturbed

(Updated March 1, 2025)

How to End Suffering Worry

     The commentary series below is focused on a particular negative emotion, painful feeling, negative trait or  state of human beings that causes us tremendous pain and suffering. Perhaps you will recognize that you yourself have had personal experience with this condition. You’ll find the explanation of how it causes suffering and how it produces detrimental effects in your daily life. You will also be shown how Truth can help you to lessen these effects and how you can eventually eliminate them from your life altogether. A new negative characteristic of human nature will be gone into each month. It will be great fun to explore these things in order to help us see through them and to be rid of them.
Island MountainWORRY by Jeff Fisher
    Vernon said worry is darkness masquerading as light. There is not a single benefit to worrying about anything. All it does is wrongly use the imagination to fret about some future event that we have no control over. But we get a false thrill out of worry because it gives us something to do with ourselves. It focuses the attention on the worrier, giving us the illusion that a separate self exists.
     Worry also keeps us from experiencing the present moment which is all there truly is. It makes no sense to worry, as it is a false substitute for living right now. Not once has worry ever solved a problem. It can only cause pain and confusion. And there is no end to what you can worry over. It could be losing a job, your health, your money, or being bothered by what other people think of you. The list could go on and on.
     One of the reasons we worry is because we choose to suffer instead of viewing the problem with spiritual eyes. If people could see the destructive ‘thrill’ of worrying they would give it up in a flash. As Vernon said, “No human being ever consciously hurts himself.”
     A couple weeks ago I had an issue at work. There were some refund claims I filed for a client that were not approved, and the client wanted to have a phone call regarding the denials. I immediately started to have anxiety, worrying that it was something I did. It was affecting me negatively and I was losing sleep which was also affecting my other work responsibilities. I was being taken over by these negative thoughts such as, “You had better worry about it, because if you don’t then something really bad will happen.” Once I spoke with the client, I found out it was an issue with the information they had given me. It was nothing I had done wrong. All this time I was causing myself unnecessary pain and fearing a situation over which I had no control and which wasn’t my fault in the first place.
     Worry is also dangerous, because when we are worried about anything we are in a state of insanity. We are asleep, sadly thinking we are doing something constructive. We must wake up to the reality that the whole world is one gigantic lunatic asylum that just loves to keep us in chaos, darkness and confusion. Just watch the evening news and you will see how the media is obsessed with writing stories about issues to keep you in a continual state of fear, anxiety, worry, and even hatred of a particular group or person. We must see with a painful shock that everyone on this earth is in a state of unconscious sleep. If you were to honestly look at the world, you will not see anyone who is truly decent, and if you do, it would be exceedingly rare.
     One of the ways to see through worry is to fully understand it from a higher viewpoint. Any time we are anxious about the future or afraid of situations or circumstances, we must know with both the mind and spirit that we are being hoaxed. See that the primary cause of worry is the belief that we exist as a separate self which must fight to save itself. If we see through this illusion, then all worries and confusions will begin to fall away. When we refuse to take worry as necessary, a whole new world will exist for us. One that will be free of tension, dread, fear and loneliness where we can be truly free. As Vernon stated, “Like an eagle, we were meant to soar.”


   “I went onto the New Life site and clicked on ‘What’s New’. Along with the Lessons and Daily Quotes, I am learning to be in the light and although I am just a novice at this, I want to change and not listen to my false self any longer. Vernon Howard was an Advanced Soul and his teachings are Universal. Thank you for posting food for the Spirit.”

— Man via e-mail

Website last updated 3/23/25

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