Welcome to New Life Foundation
Vernon Howard Founder
“It is wise to seek immortality for time defeats all other ambitions.”
“What you want also wants you. If you seek the celestial, the celestial also seeks you. There are no unanswered requests in the universe. If we do not like what we are receiving, we can learn to ask for something different.” |
You’ve been attacked all your life. The first enemy is not seeing the enemy.
Society does not want this good news. The damage can be undone. The damage can be undone.
Ask myself, “Why hasn’t the healthy inner change come? The damage still hurts badly. How come I can still feel and suffer from wounds when I was little?”
How come you have failed to undo the damage? From now on, at the same time your attention is outward, you must put your inner attention inside. What ache was going on at the lower level without your seeing it?
Understand yourself, your life on earth. What is happening to you inwardly while doing something outwardly? If you’d been alert, you could catch yourself being attacked, and your attention wasn’t on what you had been doing. You should be studying your thoughts, emotions so you see that “I’ve not been able to push away the hurt because I’ve never delved deep inside myself because I was too busy pretending I was having fun.”
Notice how hostile we get when someone criticizes us. Why? Because someone has touched a deeply concealed falsehood inside of me – something I am hiding. Notice a combination of defensiveness and offensiveness. Know one thing – this defensiveness. See, there is so much going on inside of you that you haven’t wanted to face. The level of one’s touchiness reveals one’s level.
The idea of becoming honest is a long study. Sheer self-deception, “I don’t know what the problem is.” You are. But it is easier to blame someone else. Notice the bad habit of “I don’t know what the problem is.” The truth is you don’t want to know. You don’t want to descend into the dark dungeon to see. You’re working too hard pretending all is well for you to see the problem.
There will be screams, “I don’t want to see what’s going on in the dungeon!”
The next explanation must be heard over and over. You have one enemy and that’s all. It’s evil itself. Study it. See it in yourself. It is sly, subtle. A lot more of me is fooled than I thought.
Study evil in yourself but you must not identify with it or get pleasure out of being bad. I am neither good nor bad of myself. I don’t know who I am. Authentic and everlasting goodness is the absence of the habitual me.
Discover who you are not. Whatever you see in yourself is not you. Dare to have no idea of who you are. Don’t tell yourself who you are and when you do you will be saved, and you will know who you are.
If you continue to live with suppressed angers, with concealed jealousies, if you continue to live with chaos inside your mind and in your feelings and in your life, if you continue to live with these hidden harms, then you will have to be an unhappy human being.
There, I’ve told you. I’ve told you that if you continue to be the way you are, if you continue and make the past, the future in your life with chaos inside your mind and your feelings and in your life, if you continue to live with these hidden harms, then you’ll have to be an unhappy human being.
There. Now I’ve told you. If you continue to be the way you are, if you continue to make the past the future in your life, then you also have to repeat the strain and the stress and the anxiety and the nervousness and the uncertainty and the pain.
Now I’ve told you, right? Now I will ask you, what are you going to do with what I’ve told you?
Now we come to the question: Which do you love more? Do you love the truth, the beautiful truth that you have just heard, the truth of deliverance that if you do face yourself, you can change everything and be free of your old nature? Do you love the truth that you just heard or do you love more the way you have always been and fear to leave it?
There it is. And I, for now, leave that question with you for you to think about later on. You have been told there is another way you can free yourself. What do you love?
You have to do something that is utterly new for you. And you have to utterly abandon thinking about the way out and trusting your memorized experiences. Think of something else. The man in the story called for rescue. You call for rescue from your own self, your own unworkable ways. When will you give up?
I will tell you if you will give up, something else that is not you, that is not a part of the 30-40-50 years old inscriptions in your mind, something else will come to you.
In the story the man had to cease to believe in what he believed in and he had to consider that hopeless. What you call hopeful is hopeless and always has been and you are afraid to face it. And that’s why you don’t get out. You will continue feeling, being trapped unless you try to understand what you are doing against yourself by consulting your own self-centered, your own self-love, endlessly and thinking it is going to change something. If it could have it would have. And it has changed nothing.
Think about this. Have you noticed how comfortable people are in their misery? Think of the word ‘settled’, that’ll make it clear. People are settled down in their routine lives, in their homes, and in their occupations. And in where they go and in what they do, they’re settled! They are “comfortable in what they’re doing.” At the same time their inner life, their feelings screaming out in contradiction to what they said. Have you ever tried to correct someone, and you knew of course that they were all wrong about something? They were behaving in a way that was self-defeating. And this person you tried to correct got mad, struck back, became hostile toward you.
Do you just suppose that maybe you are living that way? And Reality, Truth, God is trying to get through to you, and telling you that you are wrong, and you rebel angrily and foolishly instead of listening? Do you suppose it’s a possibility that unseen to yourself, you are fighting instead of receiving?
Have you ever had that experience yourself? Where someone tried to correct you, and you reacted with hostility toward them? When someone tries to correct us as far as our inner life is concerned, about where an authentic spiritual life is concerned, wouldn’t it be wise, wouldn’t it be sensible, wouldn’t it be practical, wouldn’t it be new and different to simply listen to what is being said? Endure the discomfort of being corrected in order to authentically be right. In order to cancel out the contradiction, in order to not suffer from being our old selves anymore. I’m talking about men and women dressed in mental and spiritual rags, having nothing that is truly spiritual, but calling it that, calling it right. And Reality comes along, even in a small incident out in the world — I’m talking about how you behave down at the supermarket. How you behave at home when you’re corrected over a small thing. See, there’s rightness on many levels. Someone tries to correct you in some little, small thing. And all of a sudden because it’s true, you react in hostility and resentment. Right? Ever had that? Some little correction that people make. Look at the point of that, that there are hundreds of opportunities every day for us to begin to cancel out what has been tormenting us. You’re in torment. I know you are, and you know you are. And if you resist and fight what I just said, you just tormented yourself again.
For the third time I’m going to repeat a certain point. Because I know that it’ll get through to you sooner or later if you’re receptive to it. Why are you pretending that it doesn’t hurt? If you stop the pretense, the time will come when you won’t hurt. But pretense protects your hurt. If you protect your pretense, you perpetuate the pretense and you perpetuate the pain that always goes with pretense.
I’ll give you a clue how to do that. What happens inside of you when a Truth or a correction comes to you? Now real slow. What happens inside of you? Look at the stream of it. First of all, the immediate tension! Second, there’s the resistance. You yourself have to determine by observing it, all the reactions that go on inside of you when you are corrected!
Let me tell you something that’s absolutely magnificent! You didn’t resist it. You didn’t fight it, but something that has taken over your life did it! See? Your real nature can never fight Truth. Now if that’s true, then what is fighting correction? What is fighting is all these pretenses that have come and taken possession of our lives, taken us over? So, it seems as if it’s impossible to change our behavior, to change our reactions.
Now, I’ve given you a clue. And that clue is called honesty. If you can be honest, just in this little investigation that I talked about, begin to see how you react when something or someone comes along and tries to straighten you out. If you can see that there’s something inside of you that doesn’t want to accept it, then add to that this fact. The fact that this is something that is alien to me. Something that has taken me over, taken possession of me. If you can see that, you can go on to the point where you see that your real nature — as I just explained — your real nature never has anything to do with self-punishing behavior. Absorb it all. Learn it all. Take it all inside. And Reality will do the rest. It will change you.
THERE IS NO POWER IN THIS WORLD WHATEVER. You must never acknowledge anything as being superior to the Spirit of Truth. There is no power in this world whatever. Dark forces are a bluff. Notice when you’re overwhelmed. Become utterly serious. Say, “I am going to become serious.”
You’re putting the cause of your grief outside of yourself when it’s really in you!
You look out at the world with fear. “Don’t hurt me, please. Don’t hurt me again.” And you think if you fight hard enough and long enough that the enemy will be defeated. You yourself are imitating the existence and the ferocity of the enemy with your own fighting.
Stop fighting. Stop fighting! Stop fighting to change the world.
How much easier it is to point the finger at someone else, to accuse the spouse, to accuse the other country, to accuse that law on the books, to accuse the neighbor down the street.
How gratifying to sick egotism to look out and say, “There is the cause of my grief.”
How cowardly can you get? And you had better stop it!
I’ve described it. Now you’ve got to take action on what I’m talking about. You’ve wasted enough of your life already. Start tonight to start saving your life.
So, a sense of urgency comes by seeing the actual predicament that you are in.
Listen to me. Everything depends on you looking within and seeing the horror of it all.
“My mind drives me crazy.”
“My emotions keep me awake at night.”
“I’m afraid of people and places and things.”
“I’m not in charge of myself.”
“I’m a lost soul!”
You’re outnumbered by a million to one enemies, all because you don’t want to listen to the facts about you, so that higher facts can save you from your present way of thinking.
When your mind is guided by something higher than your own egotism, then it becomes quite another thing.
So, are you ready to see the chaotic mess inside yourself, and don’t blame mama and papa. Don’t blame the fact they flunked you in school three times in a row. (Laughter) Why didn’t you pay attention to the teacher?
I challenge you, I dare you, I invite you to — now listen, this is pretty big stuff: Never, ever again blame anyone or anything again, not once, about your life. Don’t blame someone else for your unhappiness, never again in the smallest way.
I don’t care how cruel that man was, ladies. I don’t care how awful that woman was, gentlemen. I’m asking you to stop being a little tiny crybaby and start to grow up. And what a marvelous place to start — to never again blame anyone, because when you blame someone, you’re putting the cause of your grief outside of yourself onto them when it’s really in you!
What brought you into contact with that terrible person to begin with? What kept you living in that condition anyway?
You see? You choose your own destiny. You really do.
You have to do this 1,000 times. Calmly say, “I give up.” Then say, “God, please help me to understand what I just said.” It’s OK for you to know you don’t know what you’re talking about.
You have to be faithful. You have to do it. The first five million times it won’t mean anything. You’re just mental now. You have to stop there. You have to use what God has given you.
Finally, you’ve transcended the mental. Now you understand there’s nothing to give up. There’s nothing there but thought and wrongly used.
Remember that you’re supposed to be doing something for yourself. Say, “I give up.” Then say, “God, please make what I just said very clear to me.”
I’m going to tell you when the good feeling, the true good feeling will come. It will arrive when you send up an authentic prayer, not based on what you want, but when you have arrived at that rarely arrived-at time when you know absolutely, finally, and forever, it really doesn’t make any difference what you want.
You cannot ask what you call God to restore the Saturday and its lemonade. You can no longer tell God what you want. You can no longer plead for a restoration of the monthly paycheck and your petty pleasures. You will not do it anymore, but you will allow your true prayer to go up, and you will allow and say so in your request. You will allow God to give you whatever he wants to give you.
That proper prayer must be proceeded by a realization. And again, once and for all, there is no point in you asking for the Saturday lemonade and for the monthly paycheck anymore. And it doesn’t make any sense to ask for them because, not only are they going to disappear in this world of time and change, but everything else that you could ever ask for will come to an end too, because they are time objects.
It becomes clear to you that you can take your eyes and your ears off this world all together (your physical eyes and your physical ears) and remember that it’s the invisible world that you must make a contact with. And you don’t have to know who God is. You don’t have to try to explain who God is and how he works. That’s not your business. It is your business to know from your heart that you want the revelation to come to you. The revelation clear and loud. The revelation that you don’t have to want any more of what you formerly wanted, but simply get those wants out of the way and when that happens you will be rescued.
The whole rescue process, by the way, step by step, you’ll know how to get outside of yourself. You’ll feel the refreshing air. Every step, every step will be shown to you because you finally wanted to ask the right prayer and did so.
“I will not worship pain.” Watch yourself very carefully. Watch small and large concerns, worries come up and ask to take permanent residence. When you accept them, worry, jealousy, etc., you are accepting them as god of the moment.
When you’re an alert conscious spectator of life, life goes on. Instead of being a role-player, be someone whose role is of being conscious life itself. Get off the stage and be a spectator, neutral, not on stage. Then there is no curtain and you. The curtain can come down only on an actor. Key thought: I WILL NOT WORHIP PAIN.
In spiritual meetings such as this is, I can sit here and talk for weeks, and months, and years, and you will not learn a thing. You will not change a thing unless my words are matched by something in you. The thing that must be inside of you is a willingness to listen to the facts behind the words. And these facts behind the words are going to, at the start, seem very threatening to you.
This will all be unconscious. You won’t know that this process I’ve just described is going on inside of you. That is why it’s necessary for you to sit here and see what you’re thinking about, even as I’m talking to you now. So that you can see, gradually, your fear of the Truth develop, and your defenses coming up. And you might — if you’re very observant — see your resistance to the Truth that could save you. You could see it in your physical posture.
Don’t you dare start off in your spiritual quest with trust. You’re going to spell ruination for yourself and everyone else that you know. Start with distrust of your present ways, of your present wisdom.
Do you see why? If you start the spiritual quest by saying, “I’m going to put trust, and faith in.…” What are you putting it in? Your own delusions that you know better, and you don’t know better. What kind of result can there be when you trust your own neurosis? Don’t you see that mistrust must come first? And don’t you see that sooner or later, every person who gets on the path, and stays on the path is going to have to say to himself, “You’re a very foolish human being — all that conceit and all that vanity and all that hardness, and insisting that you know better.”
Sooner or later, we’re going to have to get to the point where we mistrust ourselves. And do it despite the fear.
See, what’s going to happen to you when you no longer look on the outside? You are forced to look inside. But you don’t know that there’s anything there because you’ve always had your attention outside — in the government, in your friends, in society which lies to you left and right.
That’s what you’ve trusted! All you’ve known is something out there which is wrong, which is false.
You’re going to have to go through this period where there is nothing to think about. Where there is just a letting go. So finally, something that is not a part of you can tell you where your real trust goes, which will be eternal. And you’ll know it from yourself! You’ll feel it. You will live it. You will see your own strength develop, because it’s coming from up there and coming down to you.
You will know it, without thought, that it’s yours. It’s not depending on your wisdom! It’s not depending on the traveling charlatans of a false government, of other people, of friends, of excitements, of entertainment. It’s not depending on things that come to an end but depending on something that is eternal. And now you know it because you know what eternity is. Eternity is to not think. It’s to be in a certain situation inside yourself that is always being renewed from on high. And this is not philosophy I’m giving you. It is fact.
Go all the way with it! And someday, you’ll be very quietly and eternally sure of what you are all about, and what life is all about. And for the first time you’ll know what God is all about. And in that is rest!
THERE IS NO POWER IN THIS WORLD WHATEVER. You must never acknowledge anything as being superior to the Spirit of Truth. There is no power in this world whatever. Dark forces are a bluff. Notice when you’re overwhelmed. Become utterly serious. Say, “I am going to become serious.”
When you live in a dream world, you don’t have life. Do you know that that’s where you live? No. You better listen so you can discover it.
Happiness is not a vibration; happiness is an absence of vibration. And you’ll know that when you experience it.
I’m asking you to want to put yourself on the side of the part of you that is more intelligent and stronger and has absolute authority over the wrong part of you. Well, I’ll ask you, is there something in you right now, and I mean right now, is there a little tiny part of you that wants to go on with this, with what we’re doing? It wants to go on, and more, it’s getting rightly excited.
It’s different from any feeling you’ve ever had in your life. If you can feel it, encourage it. You’ll know what that means later on.
If it’s not there, then ask Truth to allow you to begin to feel it for the first time, so that from now on, instead of unknowingly wrecking yourself, shaking yourself, getting worse, thank God something inside of you is now working for you. Why? Because you recognized the enemy when you saw it. And you don’t want to put yourself on the side of the enemy anymore.
If you don’t want to be, if you really in your heart, in just a small part of you, if you don’t want to be a bad, cruel human anymore, if you don’t want to be, you don’t have to be. And God Himself says that, and He will do it.
Be so aware of what you are doing at the time you are doing it that you do not waste the energy and time and opportunity that is needed for rightful action. Be so awake that you are unable to be taken in, taken over, by any person or circumstance. Only awareness can do.
This is a lesson for you. The man in the illustration is going to find out by detaching himself — he can only do it little by little — detaching himself from the wild actions, just to see what happens to him as a result of it. And what happens is that he begins to listen to the teacher, and he begins to learn! And he begins to see the practical part of it. If he learns a bit about arithmetic or about writing, about whatever, he begins to learn. “Ah! This becomes something that I can use. This becomes something valuable for me. I didn’t know that when I was joining them in the rowdiness. I was having too much fun being bad. I was beginning to see a difference in this behavior and the consequence of that.” The consequences being that he unconsciously robbed himself of something good, something practical, that he could have had for himself.
And I’ve described this rowdy and rival world, too. I’ve described the world which is a rowdy world in which everyone wants to do what they want to do, instead of slowing down and wondering, “Why did I do that? Why did I show contempt for the teacher? Why do I do those things?”
I want you to know that there are an awful lot of the rowdiness, attitudes, emotions, inclinations in you that you don’t see. And you are blocking off your own possibility of learning and of acquiring a life which is so far above your present life that there’s no way to compare it.
So, we’re going to learn a few things that will give us knowledge, wisdom that is practical. Not only for living out in that world — and get this — but for living with yourself. So that when you’re walking all alone somewhere, you’re not lonely. How can you be lonely when you have Life, with a capital ‘L’, so that you don’t fall into depression anymore as you presently do.
A life utterly different. Don’t try to imagine it. There’s no way you can. I’m describing it to you. I’m telling you the kind of life that it won’t be! The new existence that you can have will be utterly unlike what you now have.
I started off by telling you that it was a life of pretense. Wouldn’t you like to take off the mask? Take it off! The costume! Don’t you see what a burden it is to carry them around?
Wouldn’t you like to be one complete whole person that can go out into the world and be one person all the time, while adapting in a certain way to the world simply because the world changes. This means you might be quite stern with someone and the next minute you might be quite easy with them. It all is depending on how the absolute rightness in you tells you to behave.
See, rightness is a marvelous kind of dictator. No compromise. It tells you to behave this way or that way. But always inwardly right, regardless of how you behave toward the exterior world and toward people out there. And if you want to go around this world and in this life with a sense of peace, of calmness, of being in command, then you invite this new rightness that you can learn about.
Know that you have nothing of your own. “I can’t resort to my intelligence. I have nothing of my own. No strength, no pleasantness, no wisdom of my own.”
The chains exist only in faulty thinking. Welcome self-exposure — what you’re really like. Our own nothingness is self-fulfillment. Shocks. Deeper dismays.
Shake your head. Break the spell, the stupor.
I want to leave a very strong thought with you tonight. At the moment of your death, God alone can help you. Are you going to go out of here to your raging insanity loving to fix cars in your back yard? Or some way to increase your income ten dollars a week. Or go home and blab to your wife about nonsensical and foolish things?
My dear sir, when you are on your deathbed your wife isn’t going to be able to help you at all. How can she help? That doesn’t mean you hate your wife, your husband. It means you put God first, last, and always. Every friend is a devil and he wants to be present at your death. You don’t know how serious this is! Not gloomy, but serious.
It is your life. Are you going to turn yourself over to the stupidities of this world and its values? Are you going to go down to hell with your husband or wife? You think about death, and you think, “When I am dying, did I sneer or reject what I heard on that Friday night in June 1985?” “Did I take it away when I got into the car, or was I very eager to see if my friend would join me in pushing away what I heard?”
There is nothing more hopeless than two human devils coming into this room and going out and agreeing to have nothing to do with it. I am trying to tell you something that you won’t be able to see.
Even you are against yourself and everyone else is. You are absolutely the worst enemy you have. You call that mind friendly the way it operates madly? You, with your religious hypocrisies and quoting the Bible left and right? Mad men do that. People who want to hang onto the rewards of this world. They want friends just like them.
Get down on your hands and knees on your bed — and please make the inner connection to match the outer. And ask God to be the only friend you have in this world so that you meet the right person on your death bed. You have been praying to Satan heretofore, and he has answered your prayers with insanity and madness and imagination parading as Reality. Satan has answered your prayers and you had better change who you are praying to. You have no time to waste whether you are twenty or ninety.
I cannot persuade you. I never try. I present the Truth and you take it or leave it. I am putting it before all of you in this room. You women are so stupid that you will wreck this one chance of life after death. You are nothing but stupid.
Get down on you knees and ask God to show you how to make him your only friend.
Say, “I’m a very sick human being.” This enables you to face evil. Find out the truth about your condition. The one person who makes it out is if you confess all — that you’re lost, a phony. God will get you out of the desert.
Choose to investigate why nothing has changed inside yourself. Exercise: When someone corrects you, watch your angry remark, “Who are you to tell me what to do?” And see that it feels awful. Instead do this: Be very quiet and poised and pleasant, and say, ”Thank you so much. Could you please tell me more?”
You are putting out the fires of Hades. The old ways, wrong reactions, keep you tied to this earth.
It’s not really you who fights back. There is something else besides my mind that can react to a situation. I am the created not the creator. Choose to let the Higher Spirit respond correctly when you are scolded or corrected.
You can choose the right response. Let yourself collapse, disappear. There is something else besides you. Do not go along with yourself when you are corrected or insulted. You can’t do it for yourself – presently a mechanically reacting machine. There is something else that will respond for you. You handle a problem by not being there. God’s quietness is the right response.
Be extremely watchful of how you react to what you see. There the false “I” goes again, wanting to defend myself, my precious little darling inside myself. IT IS NOT YOU!
Be more conscious that an unseen traitor talks through you. Your impulsive buying is a deception of the unseen traitor. You must expose the Judas nature before you can have freedom from it.
Let me tell you something about every one of you. You’re terrified. You’re scared of everything. You’re a thousand times worse than you think you are. Not one of you really knows what it means to have the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, living in your life and directing your life. If you don’t have that, then where are you? Why, you’re lost, of course.
Look, if you were really saved, if you really lived in and with the Holy Spirit, wouldn’t you be at peace? Are you at peace? No, you’re at war. I am trying to force you to stop telling lies. You don’t have any peace of mind sitting there. Observe yourself effective as of now and just know how forlorn, how desolate, how lonely, and how terrified you are. Do that and there is hope for you. Truth wants nothing better than to prove itself to you.
God says, “Stay close to me, that’s all you need.” And when you do that, no one, nothing, poverty, nothing, can ever be a difficulty with you. The eternal Truth is health, happiness. Let God prove himself to you. Let your entire life go.
Pray: Ask God to show you how to die. Ask God to let you find him. It is not necessary for you to be tormented by any thought or feeling at all. You must give yourself up. Because you’ve never found the answer inside yourself you’ve sought it outside.
Learn how to cancel time. Ask God to show you how to die to your time nature. You begin by seeing anger is wrong, bad. It just isn’t worth it to be bad. You don’t have to create your new nature; you just have to receive it. Pray, “God, I don’t even know who I am talking to, but I am willing to have you reveal yourself to me now.”
It is extremely dangerous to give people unearned benefits. It first destroys the receivers of unearned benefits, then it destroys the society that gives out unearned benefits. The givers destroy the receivers and themselves. It is an absolute spiritual law that every benefit in life must be individually earned.
Everyone out there is a troublemaker. You don’t have to compromise with anyone on earth. When you are truly spiritually right, there’s no way that the world can touch you about anything. That’s what you want, isn’t it? You want protection. God is above all, above the lowdown world.
See how weak you are. Every person who comes along or says something is in charge of you. Your true self is in charge of every situation. Join Truth. It has already won. Time is not involved. All you have to do is understand that your True Self is not afraid of any person or situation on earth.
There is nothing to get from this life. There is only an opportunity to ask God to reveal to you what you can get from him. The world can only give you sorrow and pain. Turn up and ask God to reveal to you his world, which is everything your spirit wants and your heart wants right now. You be in the right now and you will hear it and receive it.
“Thank you for making Vernon Howard’s teachings available to all through your website and by email. The Principles, if followed, will advance all who are open to instruction to the New Life desired. I found the New Life teachings after googling the word “Truth.” That was many years ago. I’ve studied many other teachings and those which do not agree with what Vernon Howard taught always fall by the wayside. I had never heard of a guarantee such as the offer of just studying each day and receiving the peace which I have experienced. Much love to all at New Life Foundation!”
— Woman in Arizona via e-mail
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