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Great News!
Vernon Howard eTalks,
eBooks and eBooklets
     Vernon Howard's talks are available for download in the mp3 Pro® format. You can also purchase all the books and  booklets in the .epub or .mobi format. There are 18 books and 21 booklets now available.
eTalks eBooks eBooklets

Compact Discs

These are regular compact discs that play on a normal CD player.
These compact discs are now downloadable from our website. 14 eTalks

End Mental BlocksEnd Mental Blocks and Soar Freely
1. What to Do with Yourself Each Moment  42:16
2. End Mental Blocks and Soar Freely  31:58

Powerful lessons on this CD:  The way to change; know what to do with yourself; how
to live a carefree life; the reason you have problems; what to do with blockage; time
and space; comparative thinking; false feeling of life and much more.

CD01 … Compact Disc … $10 $5

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The Freedom of Being GoodThe Freedom of Being Good
1. Pathways to Happiness  33:07
2. The Freedom of Being Good  33:45

Powerful lessons on this CD:  The sure cure for hidden hurts; personal happiness;
to feel good be good and much more.

CD02 … Compact Disc … $10 $5

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How to Enjoy Your Life JourneyHow to Enjoy Your Life Journey
1. How to Enjoy Your Life Journey  33:40
2. Your Richest Investment in Life  30:16

Powerful lessons on this CD:  The secret of a new nature; only God is good;
truth understands everything; let pain be your teacher; authentic newness; you were
not put here to be scared; lasting values; the higher life and much more.

CD03 … Compact Disc … $10 $5

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Our Class AimOur Class Aim Is to Heal Not to Hurt
1. Our Class Aim is to Heal Not to Hurt  31:58
2. Reach the Ocean of Oneness  36:18

Powerful lessons on this CD:  The real solution to human problems; what life is all about; to be healed we must submit; spiritual persistence; the secret message; natural flow; no more enemies; pure thinking; suffering and much more.

CD04 … Compact Disc … $10 $5

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Shocking FactsShocking Facts That Will Save Anyone
1. The De-Idolization of Thought  16:26
2. Shocking Facts That Will Save Anyone  21:05
3. The Beginning of Self-Change  16:07
4. The Cosmic Governor’s Pardon 16:25

Powerful lessons on this CD: The most cheerful talk you’ve ever heard; how to recognize wrongness; you cannot think your way out; the great lie and much more.

CD05 … Compact Disc … $10 $5

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Something Higher Than IdeasSomething Higher Than Ideas
1. Something Higher Than Ideas  36:21
2. Truth Knows What It Is Doing  35:03

Powerful lessons on this CD: You don’t have to be afraid; strain is unnecessary;
the subject of power and much more.

CD06 … Compact Disc … $10 $5

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All 6 Compact Discs – CD07 ........ Only $45 $25
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  “Vernon Howard is magnificent! I could listen to his talks all day.”

— Lady from Virginia


  “The more I listen to the talks the more I realize how important it is to keep listening to each one over and over again. There is not a single word, expression, idea or principle that I can disagree with. I can relate to everything Vernon teaches, which makes it so wonderful for me. It doesn’t mean I’m any more conscious than I was before but I am beginning more and more to see what he meant when he said it was hard work but oh, such marvelous liberating work. All the quotations I used to spout are becoming clearer to me.”

— Warmest wishes to you always,
O., Chicago, IL

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