New Life Foundation
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“Vernon Howard is probably the clearest writer on these subjects in the English language.” — Human Behavior Magazine
Dated talks from January 3, 1986 thru July 14, 1992
Your player must be MP3 compatible to play these. (These are NOT DOWNLOADABLE from our website.)
There are 105 Vernon Howard titled talks available for digital download at a fantastic price. These talks were specifically chosen by Vernon Howard. They are the best of the best, containing beautiful higher truths and covering a wide variety of inner life topics. For those of you who love Vernon Howard and live in Europe, Asia and Australia where the shipping costs are very high you might consider going the digital route.
Watch for more talks to be added in the near future.
Vernon Howard eTalks
All 3 Cassette Tape Albums
The Esoteric Path to a New Life
The Laws of Spiritual Development
Practical Exercises for Inner Harmony
Only $5
More Details
Or use printable Order Form
“Vernon Howard’s principles are a God-send. Listening to him speak is like hitting the spiritual jackpot and I’m so grateful that his materials are readily available to anyone interested in higher living. Thank you so much, Lynne
and others at New Life. I hope to see you at a banquet sometime this year.”
“I just received the tape set The Esoteric Path to a New Life and absolutely love it! After reading Mr. Howard’s books for years, it is even better to hear him speak. I will be ordering more CDs.”
Thank you,
These MP3 Compact Discs are NOT DOWNLOADABLE from our website. You must have an MP3 player to play the above MP3 CDs. It can also be played on your PC or Mac computer by any media player. There are all sorts of combination players available on the market that play CDs/DVDs/MP3 CDs or whatever combination you prefer. They can also be played on car CD players which are MP3 compatible. Most newer model vehicles have that capability.
Some of the above talks are now available for download. Go to eTalks to see what is available. For those who want to buy the MP3 Compact Discs to download onto an iPod or your computer here is the format that the talks have been saved in — mp3 Pro® (FhG) (*.mp3); 80 kbps, 44100 Hz, Stereo (17:6:1), CBR (Constant Bitrate). The total size of all 35 MP3 CDs is 22.327GB.
Here’s another bit of information you will find useful. You can fast forward or rewind any talk. If you want to go back and hear something over again, hold down and keep holding the search/forward or back track button and it will act just like the fast forward or rewind button does on a cassette tape player. It also works the same way on your remote control if you have one.
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