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Great News!
Vernon Howard eTalks,
eBooks and eBooklets
     Vernon Howard's talks are available for download in the mp3 Pro® format. You can also purchase all the books and  booklets in the .epub or .mobi format. There are 18 books and 21 booklets now available.
eTalks eBooks eBooklets

The Esoteric Path to a New Life  (Imperfect)

The Esoteric Path Imperfect     Vernon Howard referred to this booklet as “The Bible of Esotericism.” Packed into 62 pages is a simple and clear explanation of the human situation — and the way out along the spiritual path toward a free and happy life.
    There are four versions of this guidebook. There are two good versions with a high gloss durable cover with everything perfect on the inside. These vary in price depending upon when they were printed. The third is an imperfect version which you see in the image here. A printer’s error gave us a bargain and so we’re able to sell them at a tremendous reduced price for only $1 each. The margins are not even on the inside and the cover isn’t as vibrant.

Imperfect Special
     Order your supply today! Keep some in your car, SUV or truck glove compartment. Carry some in your briefcase, in your purse, in your carryall bag or wherever it is convenient for you. And watch for opportunities to give a copy to someone.

$1Add to Cart

“Everyone — both beginners and advanced students — should have this marvelous guide.”

— Vernon Howard

The Esoteric Path to a New Life Guidebook (More options)

Esoteric Path 2021    The newest, most recent one published sells for $3.50 and you can purchase it here:
The Esoteric Path.

Esoteric Path Waterfall     Previous edition, slightly larger size, different cover but in perfect condition.$4 $2Add to Cart

EP Old     Much older edition which has smaller print and is on sale for only 25¢ here:
The Esoteric Path


“He really helps me as a student see in depth what I ordinarily wouldn’t notice.”

Lady via e-mail

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