Grand Tetons Fall

FREE! Secrets of Life
Daily Quote Service

     “What you want also wants you. If you seek the celestial, the celestial also seeks you. There are no unanswered requests in the universe. If we do not like what we are receiving, we can learn to ask for something different.”


Brochure 2019     When you tell a friend about Vernon Howard you are doing the kindest thing on earth. You also enrich your own inner development by passing along what you have learned. Vernon Howard often compared this spiritual law to a clear lake that never stagnates. Why? It constantly renews itself by receiving fresh water on one side and releasing it on the other.
    Simply be alert to natural and appropriate opportunities to wisely tell others about this magnificent teaching. You never have to force anything. Just tell others how much you have been helped in your daily life.

     Please send us the names and addresses of friends who may be interested in these helpful teachings. We will send them our free literature. Please be sure to include the complete mailing address with each name. If you would like to include a note please send it to us at the address below or e-mail us.


Dear New Life,
   I’ve been reading Vernon Howard’s books for a number of years now. I’d like to thank you for the service you are doing spreading his teachings. I’m sure a lot of people like me are very grateful.

Thanks for everything,
Oliver G

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